Games That Follow The Gp2x Standards?


Still Fresh
Sep 18, 2007
As I get deeper into the gp2x/homebrew community, I realize the usefullness of standards. I was wondering IF it was possible to have say a standards compliant tag? So then people will know that its made following standards and will learn to know about the GP2x standards movement.... ?

I'm working on one now ATM will post in about 10 min. Opinions Ideas?

ZeroDay Tech.
There's no need for standards. I won't follow some of the proposed GP2X standards that came forth because I don't think they all make sense. For instance, on the GP2X standards website, they list START as a hotkey for exiting the program! WTF???

I will admit my first port Koules2X has a hotkey for exiting and it never asks if they want to quit. FOR SHAME! I've never released a new version but I'd never allow that on my newer ports. It's not rocket science, designing a user-friendly program. It's just a question of if the programmer cares, or not. A logo isn't going to change that. It's their prerogative (the coder) if they don't want to bother with volume controls. I think they're sillly to release it with no volume controls, but I also think it's silly to release a program that will kick you out just for pressing START! Who am I to argue with a programmer that released something for free? I have a problem though, because I can't use the logo either, even though I care a LOT about user interface and so I choose to forgo the START button exiting the program and a few of the other "standards"

A lot of these problems the standards attempt to "solve" came from one central source: overly-complicated interfaces. The way to solve that is with a context menu and a two button interface: One button to bring up the context menu, the other button to select items on said menu. That's it. Nothing more needed (save for page up/page down in long lists, and a good programmer familiar with GP2X programs will already note that L/R triggers and LEFT/RIGHT joystick are the only things that make sense there).
Senor Quack said:
There's no need for standards. I won't follow some of the proposed GP2X standards that came forth because I don't think they all make sense. For instance, on the GP2X standards website, they list START as a hotkey for exiting the program! WTF???

I will admit my first port Koules2X has a hotkey for exiting and it never asks if they want to quit. FOR SHAME! I've never released a new version but I'd never allow that on my newer ports. It's not rocket science, designing a user-friendly program. It's just a question of if the programmer cares, or not. A logo isn't going to change that. It's their prerogative (the coder) if they don't want to bother with volume controls. I think they're sillly to release it with no volume controls, but I also think it's silly to release a program that will kick you out just for pressing START! Who am I to argue with a programmer that released something for free? I have a problem though, because I can't use the logo either, even though I care a LOT about user interface and so I choose to forgo the START button exiting the program and a few of the other "standards"

A lot of these problems the standards attempt to "solve" came from one central source: overly-complicated interfaces. The way to solve that is with a context menu and a two button interface: One button to bring up the context menu, the other button to select items on said menu. That's it. Nothing more needed (save for page up/page down in long lists, and a good programmer familiar with GP2X programs will already note that L/R triggers and LEFT/RIGHT joystick are the only things that make sense there).
I understand where your coming from and I assume that your not totally against standards just against the ones in place right? If so, Lets try to change them... Get a vote going!

Heres my Logo Anyway, Its posted below.
GP2x Standards Logo

Zero Day Tech.
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That's not right, it's only stating that GPH use tha Start button to exit the built-in apps...

Unfortunately the site hasn't been updated in a while, so things like VOL+ and VOL- for menu combos haven't been written into the site. If anyone has a genuine interest in maintaining the site, please let me know.
PokeParadox said:
That's not right, it's only stating that GPH use tha Start button to exit the built-in apps...

Unfortunately the site hasn't been updated in a while, so things like VOL+ and VOL- for menu combos haven't been written into the site. If anyone has a genuine interest in maintaining the site, please let me know.

^^ I could be interested in it... let me know what is involved .. I'm a web designer so I think I could do it some good! :D Maybe a Standards 08 revision?
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It would be nice to have some level of uniformity in the controls, but you have to remember that the complexity level of each game is different. Some games requires more buttons than what the GP2X has, while others only use a few. :P

Senor Quack said:
There's no need for standards. I won't follow some of the proposed GP2X standards that came forth because I don't think they all make sense. For instance, on the GP2X standards website, they list START as a hotkey for exiting the program! WTF???
Well that's probably the reason to why they renamed the "Start" button to "Home" in the F-200. <_<

Senor Quack said:
A lot of these problems the standards attempt to "solve" came from one central source: overly-complicated interfaces. The way to solve that is with a context menu and a two button interface: One button to bring up the context menu, the other button to select items on said menu. That's it. Nothing more needed (save for page up/page down in long lists, and a good programmer familiar with GP2X programs will already note that L/R triggers and LEFT/RIGHT joystick are the only things that make sense there).
That would definitely solve the problem, but the next question is, what standard button will be used to bring up the context menu? :lol:
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the start button is renamed home on the F200, that's why they specify it. I find it equally stupid. select+start or L+R+select/start is good

I remember seeing in the wiki some effort being started to have a standard (ie: X is ok, B cancel, etc.)

I was thinking if I ever manage to release something I would put a skipable splashscreen announcing "This Game uses the following standard"

with a little button map

maybe we can come up with like three different standards and have them displayed with an official GP2X Standard A/B/C Logo

Just random thoughts =)
For emulators, I love the picodrive and the nes emultor interfaces. And hope and pray that for the pandora, all emulators adopt the standards set forth on those.
markiej said:
For emulators, I love the picodrive and the nes emultor interfaces. And hope and pray that for the pandora, all emulators adopt the standards set forth on those.
I agree, those emulators have the best menus
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I really like the Vol + & - combination for the menu. Although I would have prefered if all that use this combination would have a delay in the volume control, as not to accidentally change the volume while trying to access the menu. :P
Well I guess As the new Head of the 08 standards Movement :D Lets get some positive feedback on new standards. I'm going to start a new thread about standards, 1 for gp2x & anothter For Pandora.

Zero Day Tech.
one of the most prominent issue, imho, is the "ok" and "cancel" button... even since old psx days there have been a different standard in asia and north america... (ie.: northam has X for "ok" and asia has, I think, Circle)

I really like my idea with Standard ABC and displaying a splashscreen to tell which is used, what do you think ZeroTech?

I can digg it :D Its just a matter of people liking it. I'm going to start threads on it tonight I need to go learn :-P
I personally prefer the Japan button configuration in the Playstation. I find it more logical that Circle is okay, while X is cancel. ;) Just like how some of the quiz games use Circle as correct, while X is for wrong. :P

EDIT: The Standard ABC you suggested xcen does sound nice, as long as it "feels" like a real standard, then I'm up for it. :P
Manjuu said:
I personally prefer the Japan button configuration in the Playstation. I find it more logical that Circle is okay, while X is cancel. ;) Just like how some of the quiz games use Circle as correct, while X is for wrong. :P

EDIT: The Standard ABC you suggested xcen does sound nice, as long as it "feels" like a real standard, then I'm up for it. :P
I hear you on "legit" standards. thats my goal.
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Manjuu said:
I personally prefer the Japan button configuration in the Playstation. I find it more logical that Circle is okay, while X is cancel. ;) Just like how some of the quiz games use Circle as correct, while X is for wrong. :P

EDIT: The Standard ABC you suggested xcen does sound nice, as long as it "feels" like a real standard, then I'm up for it. :P
Exactly why I prefer X being cancel, it's big cross :)
On Nintendo consoles, I also like that traditionally A is to Accept and B is to go Back/cancel.
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