Epicenter posted on Aug 13 2006 at 05:16 AM said:
Nice site layout and effort, but I did spot some technical inaccuracies. The XGP's CPU is listed by GP as being 266 MHz but a look at the SoC they are using, VRender-3D, on the manufacturer's site (MagicEyes Digital's) shows it's truly 200 MHz and in all likelihood, just marked as 266 due to being overclockable to that point in most cases (like how the 200 Mhz ARM920T in the GP2X is listed as 240 or in some cases 280 MHz due to average common overclockability.)
Ah, I see. I'll make a note of that. I have seen people say that the GP2X has a 240MHz so I guess this must be the same thing. One question--I see no reason why it shouldn't, but can the second processor be overclocked? I suppose since the second processor's still a bit difficult to access, this doesn't really come up much.
Does the XGP mini use the same SoC? If so, I'll change that, too.
Epicenter posted on Aug 13 2006 at 05:16 AM said:
You note that the 3D accelerator is useless for emulators, but it isn't. It's an OpenGL-ES compliant 2D/3D accelerator-- its 3D functionality can greatly accelerate PSX emulation, potentially to full speed, and its 2D abilities could alleviate the slowdown experienced by SNES emulation, and that's just where things begin. Homebrew games of course can benefit massively as well.
Haha, that's the first time I've heard someone say anything good about the graphics accelerator in the XGP. Could you please tell me more? What makes its 2D acceleration better than GP2X's?
Epicenter posted on Aug 13 2006 at 05:16 AM said:
GP2X tech specs are mostly accurate, but the 940T isn't a video-specific coprocessor-- it's just all GPH themselves use it for in the default firmware.
Just needs some touchups here and there; great effort so far!
Ah, that's right. I'll make a note of it.
Thanks, Epicenter, I'm not exactly a hardware expert, so your input's very appreciated.

If anyone else sees problems with anything on the newbie site, feel free to tell me.