Gamepark Newbie Coming Soon!


Certified Guru
Sep 10, 2004
Middle of Nowhere, USA

I just wanted to inform everyone of my new project. This new site called Gamepark newbie will have all the information that anyone could ever want about the many Gamepark systems that exist or will exist in the future. Hopefully this will combat some of the newbie topics that will undoubtedly start popping up upon the release of these new consoles (and I will also cover the GP32 of all variations ;) )

Any help with content would be very much appreciated. Also, though I have plenty of space and bandwidth on my own webpage ( -- currently closed), I would kind of like it if it were hosted on a Gamepark/GP32 specific site (Hando? ED? :P).

Wish me luck. And if you want to help out, PM me.
shinneri posted on Aug 5 2005 at 02:39 AM said:

I just wanted to inform everyone of my new project. This new site called Gamepark newbie will have all the information that anyone could ever want about the many Gamepark systems that exist or will exist in the future. Hopefully this will combat some of the newbie topics that will undoubtedly start popping up upon the release of these new consoles (and I will also cover the GP32 of all variations ;) )

Any help with content would be very much appreciated. Also, though I have plenty of space and bandwidth on my own webpage ( -- currently closed), I would kind of like it if it were hosted on a Gamepark/GP32 specific site (Hando? ED? :P).

Wish me luck. And if you want to help out, PM me.

great idea but you may need to reconsider the name of the site as GPH are changing their name as well as the gpx2's name. So may be worth checking out.
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I think it would be better if gp32x had a seperate newbie section.

I like keeping everythingin one spot.
x68000 posted on Aug 5 2005 at 05:39 AM said:
great idea but you may need to reconsider the name of the site as GPH are changing their name as well as the gpx2's name. So may be worth checking out.
Indeed. I've thought about this. We'll see. Maybe there will be a name change once GPH announces their new company name, but I doubt it. I like the logo a lot, and they were Gamepark at one time. I'll just explain the name change in a section of the website. :)

ED is going to give me a subdomain on But thanks for the offer, Sam. :)
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Actually I wouldn't change the name at all.

See first off it'd be a good place for people to first understand what the original GP32 is and then from there they can eventually learn about the two off-shoots of that technology.
Thanks everyone. It's coming along very nicely. Shouldn't take too long for me to get the GP32 section finished, and, once that's done I'll launch the site. Seeing as the GPx2 doesn't have a name and the XGP doesn't have a design, I'm not going to bother with layouts for those sections at the moment... just plain pages with text/FAQs until we get some info about them.

GP32 section's really cool so far though :)

Does anyone know who made this: I would like to feature the guide on my site, but I would like to get permission before doing so. I e-mailed him... but I'm not sure if he uses that e-mail still or not...

Anyone willing to donate guides/FAQs (like fixing L/R triggers, encoding music files, or anything you want GP32-related) are more than welcome to. I will credit you, of course. ;)