Game Park Holdings Mistake??

though its probably in a wiki somewhere Game Park Holdings (GPH) and GamePark are not the same company. GPH split from GP when they couldn't agree on the next generation hand held. GPH made the GP2X where GP is makeing the XGP. :)

Maybe there aren't even two companies, but still one...
So they make twice as much money...
Maybe they're like that too...

Nobody knows... :D
Goity posted on Apr 4 2006 at 05:11 PM said:
Yeah we do, there's only two and a half people in both companies.

I wonder which one got the top half :P
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I have my personal little theory about all this (I do not guarantee that this is even slightly correct):

If I remember correctly, than this split-up of the company already surfaced it's ugly head back in the days of the GP32 (semi-failed) europe launch. GPH (or what would later become GPH) was responsible for it (and the website etc). And I think they were the ones who made it possible at all, even though it only launched in Spain and Italy (Germany sadly never happend).

The other part of the company (now Gamepark) is strongly focused on the Korean market, and that is also apparent in the new XGP (Digital-TV only works in Korea, and the Wifi service they plan(ed?) will of course be only available in Korea if anywhere at all).
And that is not without reason I think: As the old timers of this forum will remember, there was the joke that Gamepark is actually a secret military government researchlab or something like that because someone found out that they actually recieved (large?) funding from the Korean government.
It is obvious that the Korean government will only support a product that is aimed at a Korean market, and my guess is that Gamepark is just as much in the business of getting government funding as it is in making handhelds :)

But who knows... maybe I am completly wrong.
Julius posted on Apr 5 2006 at 08:04 AM said:
someone found out that they actually recieved (large?) funding from the Korean government.

in america there are all sorts of things will allow you to apply for a grant...i know farming is heavily subsidized, maybe tech companies get subsidized in korea.

i'm blowing hot air, i know.
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Yes. There will be some DMB broadcastig in germany by the time of the football world championship. There are DMB cellphones in development, so we may use this feature in some parts of europe too.
Fishbong posted on Apr 7 2006 at 08:54 AM said:
Yes. There will be some DMB broadcastig in germany by the time of the football world championship. There are DMB cellphones in development, so we may use this feature in some parts of europe too.

Football world championship.....
Its the world cup. World Cup.
Dont go all american and call it the soccer cup and stuff. World Cup.
/crawls back in box with do not disturb until start of world cup stuck on it.
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Vimacs posted on Apr 7 2006 at 08:06 AM said:
you are wrong on dmb, dmb is a german technic and is comeing more and more common all over europe.

I think you are mixing that up with DVB-T.
DMB is only used as a trial for the world cup according to the page above, and is really only available in South Korea so far.
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afaik it is in use since 2005 but only at low transmitting strenght, so its not widely availible, but mit 2006 it will be upped so its evryware availible where dab is now (80%).

im realy not sure anymore through.