Frustrated beyond belief


Very Active Member
Oct 18, 2010
I can't get over how this company treats it's loyal customers.

So after waiting a few years I actually make the dumb move of upgrading to a 1Ghz unit so I could support the project and receive a unit quickly. Boy didn't that turn out to be a great fucking move as I am now in another queue with no end in sight. So I make the even dumber move of buying one of the cheap refurbished units that Craig was offering thinking that would tie me over until the 1 Ghz business is sorted out.

So it's been almost 3 weeks and I still have not received my unit or shipping details. Craig has told me he has sent it but keeps avoiding actually telling me the tracking numbers. He keeps telling me he will tell me later. Right now he has been avoiding my PM's for almost 2 weeks. So why shouldn't I start a dispute resolution with Paypal because luckily I paid using them. Why shouldn't I get a refund on my 1 Ghz knowing what situation that puts them in. Most of all why shouldn't I start a website to warn everyone about this company. You will get fucked and shafted and purchasing from them and it doesn't matter how loyal customer you are.
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It would be helpful if you don't just talk of 'this company' because that currently is only the issue with OpenPandora Ltd., mainly due to a lot of unexpected refund requests - and probably a lot of email requests at the same time, so sadly, it takes a while to get replies.

OpenPandora GmbH (which is the company I run) is not affected and delivers ordered units and upgrades right away. Please don't confuse these two, as this could really affect my sales and I'm currently handling my customers as well as trying to help all customers of OpenPandora Ltd. (with their cooperation) to get things normal again.
Well to be honest if you can afford pandoras upgrades and refurbs until you are tied over for your 1ghz then I find it hard to sympathise as I can't afford even the 600 mhz at the moment :p
Right now he has been avoiding my PM's for almost 2 weeks.

I'm just going to throw it out there that this amount of time would appear to correlate with the iControlPad2 kickstarter campaign in which Craig is quite heavily engaged.

I'm not excusing his lack of response, but it's ultimately the profits from the iControlPad2 which will keep him afloat and ensure you get your Pandora.

It's patently unfair that Craig's other endeavours should subsidise the Pandora, but the iCP did, and the iCP2 probably will too. So be patient, if you can, and allow him to put some time and effort into the things that will ultimately ensure his business doesn't collapse.

I hope this information lends you some perspective.
Yeah I suppose Craig is overexcited with his iCP2 KS thing right now, which made him put pandora on the back burner for a while, but he already announced he would put all his effort to recover this, which will start resolving things like this, hopefully.
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Post another question in the ask Craig forum (I know your last one went unanswered but you could try again), post in iCP2 or Pandora 2 forums to get his attention.

Try to be fair and understanding. I know this is difficult as I am in the same queue and not optimistic. But he is one man, and despite your implications I don't think he is purposefully evading you. You have every right to flag him down however possible, so I'd advise you to use all avenues in a civil manner.
It's patently unfair that Craig's other endeavours should subsidise the Pandora, but the iCP did, and the iCP2 probably will too.

Surely some profits from the ICP should subsidise Pandora production, due to the fact that the gaming controls were developed for the Pandora.
It's patently unfair that Craig's other endeavours should subsidise the Pandora, but the iCP did, and the iCP2 probably will too.

Surely some profits from the ICP should subsidise Pandora production, due to the fact that the gaming controls were developed for the Pandora.

I suppose I could grant you that! The analogue sticks are a big part of what makes the iControlPad special. But I think the extent to which the Pandora fed on the iControlPad was certainly unfair!
Yeah I suppose Craig is overexcited with his iCP2 KS thing right now, which made him put pandora on the back burner for a while, but he already announced he would put all his effort to recover this, which will start resolving things like this, hopefully.

I wonder if "all his effort" will include reinvesting what money it gains with the ICP2 in his pandora company...
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Also, Craig obviously doesn't want to answer what his actual plan is to deliver the remaining original 1GHz orders (which should be around 100?). See here, where he "answered" part one of my post, but quoted out the 1GHz part.

I don't deny that he is probably in some ugly situation, but handling this with silence and just not telling the people what they are at is, sorry, scam. It would extremly sad if this would start to hurt EDs reputation, who has always tried his best to be open and honest with us. Reading the comments below some recent news-articles, there are not a few frustrated Craig-customers posting like there would be no difference between the Ltd. and the GmbH...

I just hope the iCP2 is going well. Not because I want Craig to feel approved in his ways, but to see all his customers finally delivered (which I hope that happens, if he has some money at hand) with this amazing handheld.
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You know I don't give a damn about the kickstarter.

Craig told me he would send me tracking numbers and he told me he would do it that day. Weeks have passed, I honestly think he either sent the unit later than he said he did and he doesn't want to give tracking numbers because it would show that. Or he has completely dropped the ball again. I bet I will be in another queue for the people who purchased the refurbished old CC units which he said he has in stock because for some reason he sold them elsewhere to fund something.

Now given that I have been waiting years, then paid more money to be the first with my hands on a 1 Ghz unit only to be told whoops sorry we spent your money elsewhere go wait again and that guaranteed first to have the unit we really meant absolutely last person on the planet. You would think spending the whole 2 minutes to send the tracking numbers of the unit would be a bare minimum.

As for the different companies I will make that obvious. However do you really think anyone is going to note the difference between OpenPandora Ltd and OpenPandora GmbH?
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People have already been noting a difference - this is part of the problem.

In any case, you not giving a damn about the kickstarter is cool - Luckily it is going well, because you should very much give a damn if you have an existing order with Craig, since he was pretty much getting fed up of everything. This successful Kickstarter means he'll have more energy/motivation to deal with issues that exist in terms of people waiting for Pandoras, etc.

Also ED is helping Craig clear his queues and community members are donating to give extra assistance in clearing the queues... We all agree that it's not on that people are waiting, but on the other hand Craig could have just declared himself bankrupt and said a big "Oops" to everyone!

The situation sucks, but ED and Craig, are trying to deal with it, but currently Craig has to make sure the Kickstarter goes smoothly. You can place a Question in "Ask Craig" to try to get his attention, but yeah he's just busy.
Well to be honest if you can afford pandoras upgrades and refurbs until you are tied over for your 1ghz then I find it hard to sympathise as I can't afford even the 600 mhz at the moment :p

Well by you not buying one you are in the same spot as me. Neither of us has a Pandora in our hands and that situation doesn't seem likely to change anytime soon. Just I spent almost 1500 bucks for not having one.
It would be helpful if you don't just talk of 'this company' because that currently is only the issue with OpenPandora Ltd., mainly due to a lot of unexpected refund requests - and probably a lot of email requests at the same time, so sadly, it takes a while to get replies.

OpenPandora GmbH (which is the company I run) is not affected and delivers ordered units and upgrades right away. Please don't confuse these two, as this could really affect my sales and I'm currently handling my customers as well as trying to help all customers of OpenPandora Ltd. (with their cooperation) to get things normal again.

This is what Craig need to understand. It just takes one customer to get the shits and suddenly your business can be seriously hurt. I just pointed out a way I could do it quickly and easily and all it would cost me is 20 bucks. He is dealing with at the very least 100 very pissed off customers over the whole 1 Ghz saga.

Now how do you think these customers are going to react when they are being ignored? How to do think a customer like myself is going to react when I pony up even more money and get ignored again?

Not bloody well at all. Your customers are very patient and understanding but their patience is at breaking point. ED you have been great with your customers, but it is your partner you should be worried about.
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but on the other hand Craig could have just declared himself bankrupt and said a big "Oops" to everyone!
Then I would have thought that would cause him to give up on his kickstarter campaign being declared bankrupt, I doubt that was on the table.
Yeah, but doing it would probably really damage the reputation he has left... You know, people would have lost several 10k, if not 100k in him and yet he would be asking for money for the next preorders. Not easily put down with an "ED and I are working on solving this" what at least implies that there is an end to the disaster that happens to craigs pandora-customers in sight.
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If you're in the US or Canada you could try Ithic . If not just try finding a thread he's active in and confront him there .
If you're in the US or Canada you could try Ithic . If not just try finding a thread he's active in and confront him there .

I am not from the US or Canada.

That's a bit of a joke so PMing isn't enough (Which is how he tells his customers to communicate with him) I have to search out his threads and make posts there. I am not going to go into what a terrible business decision to have a forum to be a primary way of communicating with your customers in regards to orders. If he had some resemblance of admin the stuff I am asking for would have been done without me having to chase anything up. It's obvious he has no sort of book keeping with his company. That's why he struggles to work out his numbers or anything else. On the dispatch side of things notifying the customer that the unit has been sent with a tracking number is also fairly standard. However I am sick and tired of chasing a company who can't get the basics done. You have to check to make sure you haven't slipped though the enormous cracks in his business. You have to check that he is actually doing his job right. They have had four years to get their systems right and efficient so I just don't buy the excuse that he is busy with his kickstarter.
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