Two words for you doubters and haters and know-it-alls who don't know it all:
VIEWTIFUL MUTHA F'ING JOE!!!! (the mutha and f'ing don't count towards the two words
I dont' hang around these forums much anymore so don't even know if there are those who still say the DS can't do it's N64 style full polygon graphics on both screens, so forgive me if this argument is long since dead.
But Viewtiful Joe is the real deal, full polygon graphics running simultaneously on both screens and at a good frame rate at that. So it CAN be done.
Thank you, and good night
VIEWTIFUL MUTHA F'ING JOE!!!! (the mutha and f'ing don't count towards the two words
I dont' hang around these forums much anymore so don't even know if there are those who still say the DS can't do it's N64 style full polygon graphics on both screens, so forgive me if this argument is long since dead.
But Viewtiful Joe is the real deal, full polygon graphics running simultaneously on both screens and at a good frame rate at that. So it CAN be done.
Thank you, and good night