fNES32 beta


Apr 10, 2003
Zurich, Switzerland
Visit site
2nd news post today concerning fNES on www.gp32spain.com.

"I already hold a new version of fNES32 in my hands, with several improvements to the last version, among them:
.ZIP and .GZ ROM load support, possibility to take .PNG snapshots of the game, multiplayer support (still slow due to the SDK)
and corrected frameskip bug."

Sounds nice, but this sounds even nicer:

"As soon as the official betatester of rlyeh (Tyke) has his new website online, you can all enjoy his last betas".

Betas! He said betas!
I am very, very excited about this emulator. I know enough people who have seen the earlier betas to know that this whole thing is not bullshit, but very real and very good. Start hitting the newsgroups, file sharing programs, or worst case scenario the web, and start nabbing those NES games you want to play, because it's coming, and it's gonna be GOOD.
No offense, but if you were already quite pleased with InfoNES, all I can say is fNES will blow you out of the water.
Man this is great! Near flawless PC engine and NES and master system/GG emulation... All we need now is a genesis emu, and an SNES emu (POSSIBLE but would be a helluva challange) Neo Geo (same as SNES) to be perfected and we have the coolest little handheld for classic gaming possible!
Actually, Neo-Geo is more awkward coz of the size of the roms - its hard to load 70 meg files into 8 megs of ram. That said, they are split, so perhaps an emu could load it sectionally...

...I'd have thought it'd be bloody slow though.
neo-geo and snes can't- be compared, They are no where near the same system. The neo-geo is like 2 super nintendos, so its kind of the same thing as saying oh playstation can be emulated on the pc so that means that the dreamcast can be emulated in a way that would need the same system requirments.