Flash Player

Hello, i implemented some features: mouse cursor, cpu speed (select with the selector, 0 = 66, 1 = 100, 2 = 150, 3 = 200, 4 = 266mHz) and a FPS viewer (press Y during the flash movie). Download file and source.

Nice fish WarmFluffyUK :p

Great Work!! I saw an small movie and HAD to download the source... from what I have seen you dont use any optimization flags when compilling? or does dev-c++ add them later? I gave a look to the makefiles and didnt saw any compiler options :confused:
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I really hope there is continued development of this. I've really been wanting a flash player for gp2x. I would love to watch xombie or happy tree friends on my gp2x. yeah they can be converted but it makes them take up much more space and the audio often doesn't sync up or sound right.

good start. at least it played that fish animation fine and a basic selector and cursor control are already in place.

hope you can speed it up and add sound support. I appreciate the effort no matter what though.