GP2X Flash Player For Gp2x


Still Fresh
Oct 30, 2005
Werchter, Belgium
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Well, if you would port a flash player for the gp2x you could play or develop various games for your gp2x; there are lots of people who can make little flash thingies... :P

you would also be able to watch flash animation (e.g. Happy Tree Friends :D ) or view your own... <_< as you already knew you can embed various media in a flash application.
this would also result in a even higher value of the GP2X and it would make it even more attractive...

yes, it is open source, or sort of:

I think this is possible, but I'm not a coder...
What do you think 'bout it?
Scratch posted on Oct 31 2005 at 09:43 AM said:

That's for development of programs that use the Flash player internally, it doesn't reveal the guts of the library any more than the Half-Life 2 SDK reveals the game source code.

There are many projects attempting to reverse-engineer the player in an attempt to provide Flash compatibility for a number of other platforms; perhaps they will produce something in the near future. However, many of them have been mired in development hell for 5+ years.

I can think of only one that has produced actual product; however it does not support the latest Flash versions.
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What about running the official stand-alone flash player with Wine?

Excuse the tone, But programs/games run via wine can run like a pig in shit (ie, Ssslllooowww) on hardware 5-10 times the power of the GP2x, So i don`t think wine is an good option, Thats even if we ever see a port of wine "Hic".

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what about useing the search function?
What about helping new people?

I took your advice anyway. This is what I found:
Sonic-NKT posted on Oct 27 2005 at 06:40 AM said:
wine doesnt emulate the x86 cpu, so it works only on linux_x86. It just kind of emulates the windows system (api, drivers). SInce the gp2x has no x86 cpu (it uses a arm 920 and 940) we cant use wine, cause we have to emulate the cpu too.
Now I understand why Wine Is Not an Emulator B)
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soo how easy it is to search instand of jsut asking? :-)

give a man a fish and he will have food one day,
teach a man how to fish and he will have food for the rest of his life.
Oh dear, I've duplicated a topic.

I basically said, what about Gpl Flash?

I agree it would offer a lot of games if it could play .flash files.

Actually, it would be cool if I could put all my friend's flash on it to show everyone.
People would probably say:
"Hey a PSP, no... What's that?".
Which could be good advertising!

(They might even admit that Linux isn't "Rubbish" after all)
Aninhumer posted on Dec 16 2005 at 07:35 AM said:
I basically said at what about Gpl Flash?

I don't know much about it, to be honest. I would expect that it's portable, but it probably uses a couple of APIs that aren't. It'd be worth going up to their IRC channel and asking them if it has any assembly or particular library dependencies that wouldn't work on the GP2X.
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I really want osmething like this to come along. Theres plenty of cool flash, shockwave java etc. games that would be super cool to play on the gp2x. I myself know nothing about coding so I'm just standing by lettin the independent developers work. :D
for now, if you want to view flash movies, there is Flash2Video which works good. Sometimes I get a C++ error when its done converting, but thats just gay programming. There are probably better converters out there.
dennis20014 posted on Dec 17 2005 at 01:38 PM said:
I really want osmething like this to come along. Theres plenty of cool flash, shockwave java etc. games that would be super cool to play on the gp2x. I myself know nothing about coding so I'm just standing by lettin the independent developers work. :D

Yes, there are a ton of Flash games and movies that I would think everyone would enjoy on there GP2X's!
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there are many games and such that are flash that i would love to play on my gp2x .swf flash files and stuff
Hmm...GPL flash is possible, however by looking at the code its obvious this guy's never heard of SDL. But even if it worked, it'd probably be VERY slow.

The main part of the gfx rendering engine is a Vector Graphics Renderer (think SVG, but proprietary). A unoptimized, straight-C++ renderer like the one in GPL Flash runs like crap on anything less powerful than a Pentium 3.