So many nice response
I hope it didn't sound like it was a bad time I had.
As mentioned I do not regret anything.
It was one of the best times I had in my life and I'm happy to be able to speak to nearly everyone involved in person.
Including Nikolaus, Global Components, BOE and Vodafone.
I've learned so much and it made me to who I am.
And I'm happy for any help I still can offer and hope to find time besides the Gamescom preparation to help a little in my holidays
The two times I've been helping out at Gamescom you seemed a bit stressed, but I thought of it more as in general due to the convention rather frustration with the Pyra project.
Will you still be there this year? I'll try to. You know, we could settle some things in Smash or something.
Hope to see you @ the Gamescom this Year too
I'll be at the Gamescom and do my job there as usual. That's the one thing I surely will do

Let's see how Smash bill be this year. I haven't played Smash 4 for quite a while now.
But don't forget: even if I'm completely worked out: There's no real chance to beat me in Smash 64
It would make me really happy to see all of you again at the Gamescom.
Hopefully @LinuxSwat will be here as well.
I take
@ptitSeb fo granted

And if you have ever been jealous of the praise I've got in my software threads, don't be. This is temporary thing only and passes away pretty quickly. Take full-speed PSX for an example: the release is made, some people are happy and some nice posts appear. But then some weeks pass and it becomes the new status quo, kind of like it was there all along without all the hard work that went into it. Some even react with "what took it so long" just because Craig randomly promised full-speed PSX in some of his many posts with lots of promises he made who knows how many years back. If there is any recognition, almost all of this is localized here in this small corner of the Internet running on this ED's server. None of the "real" people around me understand what I did, and those who do think it's pointless or insane because no money was made. The only exception (from being localized to this forum) was visiting Gamescom and meeting some part of this community there.
No, I'm not. You are the man and you deserve it
I may be wrong but I do think you've had a reputation of someone who could fix any kind of hardware problem on anyone's pandora. I don't think there was anyone else like that, maybe except ED himself.
And I hope I can fix enough Pyras to get that reputation again

At least I already tweaked some Pyra shoulderbuttons as well
Thanks for the work Askarus. Pouring years of work into a vision with little return and no satisfaction, just because you believe in something is inspiring. Good luck with the studies!
I know how it feels to work incredible amounts for no pay and no praise. It sucks
It really was not for nothing. I got back a lot and it was also satisfying. Things simply did not went that well on the long run.
If you're looking for appreciation, I'll also have to disappoint you by saying that choosing computer science was a really poor choice. Unless you can start your own very successful business or become indie game star like Notch, or perhaps invent something new in this overcrowded field, you'll likely just become a small cog in the machinery of some software company. The only ones knowing the great things you did will be your coworkers (who will eventually leave or it will all "reset" when you leave the company) and almost all feedback you get will be negative about the inevitable bugs you'll make. That's at least how things are going around here in my case.
Askarus, when you do something, _never_ expect to be thanked, whatever amount of time and energy you spend.
+1 to what Notaz and Linux-Swat said, don't expected to be thanked or recognized in the work place other than receiving a salary.
That's really a shame. It's so simple to give a lot to people without loosing anything. Simple give them recognition for what they do.
We'll see where I'll end up. Maybe I'll run my own business. Maybe a Youtube channel or website about quality Computer science.
Maybe teaching at University.
Maybe you answered your own question, you never said anything about it (to me, anyway). Even now I don't know about a lot of what you did. I always thought that you were doing it for the fun.
I really don't know what made me do this post. It's mostly thanks to m@t.
I did not want to show bad feelings about the Company or ED. I like everything a lot and don't want to bring anyone or anything in a bad shape they don't deserve.
I didn't know much apart from you helping from time to time or being a full-time employee, never knew for sure.
This explains a lot, and I'm sorry we don't always fully grasp the amount of unpublished work. That happens when you work behind-the-scene, I guess.
No need to be sorry. I never spoke much about what I did.
What I do know and wouldn't forget is that if it wasn't for you, the Pyra might not have gotten four shoulder buttons. I also wouldn't know what to do if I had hundreds of keymats lying around, but that's a different story.
Yeah, the shoulder buttons. I pushed that hard

I secretly see my Pandora as the secret first Pyra prototype

And don't forget, I already have the tools to get a camera inside thy Pyra.
BTW: Currently I'm lying on both, my Keymat- and Gamescom- sitting bag while typing. They're both in daily use
Maybe we'll see you in the future!
I will be on the boards as usual.
There's simply not much happening right now I'm interested to discuss.
That will change again when I have a Pyra

Come to Gamescom and we'll meet personally.
I hope when the Pyra releases I'll find some time to help again.
I don't want to miss the big launch