Here's the first Askarus Newspost coming 
(This was meant as a response so impatient waiters on an official news post but became to long, so I decided to open a new thread)
It's for those of you who know me for years now and wonder what I'm doing.
It's for anyone who is disappointed because of the delays the Pyra has and wants to read about real disappointment.
Or simply for anyone who likes stalking the life of someone else ;P
It's the first time I talk about my feelings and the bad experiences I've made with the Pandora/Pyra project.
When reading always keep in mind that it's a story of the dark side of my time with the Pandora/Pyra project.
All the things I've learned, the experiences I've made and the great time I had are not part of this story.
I don't regret my time with EvilDragon
Maybe those of you who get impatient because of all those delays will be a little more patient after reading it.
I know how frustrating it is to wait for such a long period of time and get disappointed on and on.
Luckily I'm in the post-frustrated phase already
What I did and had to do was to get comfortably with the thought of not having a Pyra for my studies and use the tools I have right now.
Last autumn I began my computer science studies and was hoping to get a Pyra until then to do some coding on the go.
Then there were delays again.
I said to myself I'll get one for sure until the beginning of this semester. At least some old prototype with an unfinished case.
And guess what I have until now: Right, nothing.
But let's start from the beginning and let's start with the happy end
I started to study computer science and live a good life now.
For me it is now more important to spend my free time with my girlfriend and learning for my studies so I'll be able to code some nice Pyra software later.
But I did not leave completely as I still live near Ingolstadt and when I like to I still support ED from time to time.
And now really to the beginning:
As I came to the project (2012, the time ED started to do production) I was working entirely for free.
There was a time I had visions of the company getting bigger and me having a great place to work.
The first years it was no real work for me. It was having fun with ED and helping a great project I really believed in.
It was learning a lot of new things and I felt special for being involved in the project.
After 3-4 years, with all the Pyra delays starting I got more and more frustrated.
I was working to get things done, to see progress.
I did every work that was there, from fixing Pandoras to daily Shop shipment to cleaning up.
I didn't mind, all I wanted was to see an end of all that mess. I was working for a nicer future, but it simply did not happen and I had to do the same work on and on.
Then the display and GCW zero misery began. We got bad Pandora screens twice. The touchscreen did not work and there was dust under the screen.
So we had to check them all manually, label them and send them back. That happened 2-3 times, I can't remember.
The first GCWs were fine. Then we had to rework the next ones incoming. I estimate it was about 50-100.
They needed buttons and the D-Pad to be reworked and had also dust under between LCD and Glass.
Those were here for over a year now and I finished them not even 2 Months ago.
And that was so frustrating at that time.
All we did and everything I did was cleaning up the mess we got from while keeping the daily business running (while everything was not the main job).
There were other things as well we had to test and rework.
And of course EvilDragon is the face of the project and the one who is first to be blamed for everything. After all, he is responsible, right?
And I was angry because I thought I deserve a lot more for what I did then what I got.
I worked hard and a lot more than what was good for me (I did a full time Psychology bachelor graduation at that time as well).
And what I got back was a little money, but people, especially me also want recognition.
Doing all those work without much recognition was horrible for me.
There was a time where everyone releasing a piece if software or a port did get praises.
But who cares about the guy doing the Pandora repairs and all the dirty work, doing what ever possible to take away as much work from EvilDragon he could.
Of course it was a lot of manual labor and a lot of things were repetitive and behind the scenes.
Few people do honor such work.
You know, everyone who was involved in the Pyra creation process will get a lot more praise than the man doing the dirty work voluntarily.
Nevertheless I wanted to stay with EvilDragon at least until the Pyra development mess is over.
Then came the point where it was simply to much for me and I recognized that I have waited much to long and need to get free from that prison of waiting I did put myself in.
It was not only the time spent but also what I did and that it does not bring me any further in life.
It was doing all the work and still not getting anywhere further. In business and in life.
It was barely getting recognized for all of what I did.
It was the hundreds, maybe thousand of hours of work I got nothing for.
I more and more reduced the time I worked for free and then then finally decided not to work on a weekly basis any more.
That was a hard decision for me as I felt really close to the whole project and still do.
I didn't want to leave EvilDragon alone and still had and have hopes that this project has a great future and it will be a great place to work when the time comes.
I still say "we" when I'm talking about the Pandora/Pyra subject.
The result can be read in the first paragraph:
After a while of distance I now made my peace with everything concerning the Pyra.
I did not leave completely and am happy to be able to help out whenever I want and may visit any time.
I further have a great girlfriend for about a year now and fulfilled my dream to study computer science.
And of course I still am looking forward to finally hold a Pyra in my hands and finally doing what I could not do with the Pandora. Writing Software for my favorite piece of hardware
It's not good to be dependent so much of a single device and Project as I was.
I got a lot more open minded as I was and can imagine of a lot of things I might do in life.
Not the END OF STORY, life goes on
At the end I have one message for the waiters:
If you might get impatient while waiting, no mater whether you have pre-ordered or not.
Maybe you think about the work, time, hopes and dreams I have invested and what I got back so far.
And maybe it makes waiting a little easier for you and gives you a little more patience
And at the very end one for everyone:
Maybe you got a little impression of how much I did for the Pandora/Pyra and how much it did cost me.
It is nothong compared to what EvilDragon does. It's unbelievable how much work and time he invests.
Whenever there was a delay, my disappointment must have meant nothing compared to his.
Doing work and having dreams is one thing but being the only one who is responsiblein the end and has to clean everything is on a whole different level.
When anyone of you holds a Pyra in his/her hands, take a moment and try to imagine what you got.
Not only a device, but everything everyone put into it.
Have a nice life everyone
(This was meant as a response so impatient waiters on an official news post but became to long, so I decided to open a new thread)
It's for those of you who know me for years now and wonder what I'm doing.
It's for anyone who is disappointed because of the delays the Pyra has and wants to read about real disappointment.
Or simply for anyone who likes stalking the life of someone else ;P
It's the first time I talk about my feelings and the bad experiences I've made with the Pandora/Pyra project.
When reading always keep in mind that it's a story of the dark side of my time with the Pandora/Pyra project.
All the things I've learned, the experiences I've made and the great time I had are not part of this story.
I don't regret my time with EvilDragon
Maybe those of you who get impatient because of all those delays will be a little more patient after reading it.
I know how frustrating it is to wait for such a long period of time and get disappointed on and on.
Luckily I'm in the post-frustrated phase already
What I did and had to do was to get comfortably with the thought of not having a Pyra for my studies and use the tools I have right now.
Last autumn I began my computer science studies and was hoping to get a Pyra until then to do some coding on the go.
Then there were delays again.
I said to myself I'll get one for sure until the beginning of this semester. At least some old prototype with an unfinished case.
And guess what I have until now: Right, nothing.
But let's start from the beginning and let's start with the happy end
I started to study computer science and live a good life now.
For me it is now more important to spend my free time with my girlfriend and learning for my studies so I'll be able to code some nice Pyra software later.
But I did not leave completely as I still live near Ingolstadt and when I like to I still support ED from time to time.
And now really to the beginning:
As I came to the project (2012, the time ED started to do production) I was working entirely for free.
There was a time I had visions of the company getting bigger and me having a great place to work.
The first years it was no real work for me. It was having fun with ED and helping a great project I really believed in.
It was learning a lot of new things and I felt special for being involved in the project.
After 3-4 years, with all the Pyra delays starting I got more and more frustrated.
I was working to get things done, to see progress.
I did every work that was there, from fixing Pandoras to daily Shop shipment to cleaning up.
I didn't mind, all I wanted was to see an end of all that mess. I was working for a nicer future, but it simply did not happen and I had to do the same work on and on.
Then the display and GCW zero misery began. We got bad Pandora screens twice. The touchscreen did not work and there was dust under the screen.
So we had to check them all manually, label them and send them back. That happened 2-3 times, I can't remember.
The first GCWs were fine. Then we had to rework the next ones incoming. I estimate it was about 50-100.
They needed buttons and the D-Pad to be reworked and had also dust under between LCD and Glass.
Those were here for over a year now and I finished them not even 2 Months ago.
And that was so frustrating at that time.
All we did and everything I did was cleaning up the mess we got from while keeping the daily business running (while everything was not the main job).
There were other things as well we had to test and rework.
And of course EvilDragon is the face of the project and the one who is first to be blamed for everything. After all, he is responsible, right?
And I was angry because I thought I deserve a lot more for what I did then what I got.
I worked hard and a lot more than what was good for me (I did a full time Psychology bachelor graduation at that time as well).
And what I got back was a little money, but people, especially me also want recognition.
Doing all those work without much recognition was horrible for me.
There was a time where everyone releasing a piece if software or a port did get praises.
But who cares about the guy doing the Pandora repairs and all the dirty work, doing what ever possible to take away as much work from EvilDragon he could.
Of course it was a lot of manual labor and a lot of things were repetitive and behind the scenes.
Few people do honor such work.
You know, everyone who was involved in the Pyra creation process will get a lot more praise than the man doing the dirty work voluntarily.
Nevertheless I wanted to stay with EvilDragon at least until the Pyra development mess is over.
Then came the point where it was simply to much for me and I recognized that I have waited much to long and need to get free from that prison of waiting I did put myself in.
It was not only the time spent but also what I did and that it does not bring me any further in life.
It was doing all the work and still not getting anywhere further. In business and in life.
It was barely getting recognized for all of what I did.
It was the hundreds, maybe thousand of hours of work I got nothing for.
I more and more reduced the time I worked for free and then then finally decided not to work on a weekly basis any more.
That was a hard decision for me as I felt really close to the whole project and still do.
I didn't want to leave EvilDragon alone and still had and have hopes that this project has a great future and it will be a great place to work when the time comes.
I still say "we" when I'm talking about the Pandora/Pyra subject.
The result can be read in the first paragraph:
After a while of distance I now made my peace with everything concerning the Pyra.
I did not leave completely and am happy to be able to help out whenever I want and may visit any time.
I further have a great girlfriend for about a year now and fulfilled my dream to study computer science.
And of course I still am looking forward to finally hold a Pyra in my hands and finally doing what I could not do with the Pandora. Writing Software for my favorite piece of hardware
It's not good to be dependent so much of a single device and Project as I was.
I got a lot more open minded as I was and can imagine of a lot of things I might do in life.
Not the END OF STORY, life goes on
At the end I have one message for the waiters:
If you might get impatient while waiting, no mater whether you have pre-ordered or not.
Maybe you think about the work, time, hopes and dreams I have invested and what I got back so far.
And maybe it makes waiting a little easier for you and gives you a little more patience
And at the very end one for everyone:
Maybe you got a little impression of how much I did for the Pandora/Pyra and how much it did cost me.
It is nothong compared to what EvilDragon does. It's unbelievable how much work and time he invests.
Whenever there was a delay, my disappointment must have meant nothing compared to his.
Doing work and having dreams is one thing but being the only one who is responsiblein the end and has to clean everything is on a whole different level.
When anyone of you holds a Pyra in his/her hands, take a moment and try to imagine what you got.
Not only a device, but everything everyone put into it.
Have a nice life everyone
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