Firmware Upgrade Compatible Cards And Faq

I've just bought a new SD card which is in the list of compatible cards (Viking Interworks 1gb), but still can't upgrade my firmware to 2.0... very frustrating.

So I downloaded the source for the u-boot to try and get a better idea of how the upgrade process works and what may be going wrong. From what I can see the u-boot gives some fairly helpful logging information on the console during the upgrade process. Unfortunately I don't have a serial cable, but for anyone that does it would be great if you could capture the logging output and feed it back here.

There are a number of things that would be good to see; is the SD card detected by the u-boot? are the *img files detected by the fat loader? are they loaded ok?

After fannying about with different partition schemes and formats I'm now wondering if infact the problem isn't simply that the u-boot just doesn't see the SD, or wait long enough to detect it?
nakeda posted on May 26 2006 at 08:36 PM said:
I've just bought a new SD card which is in the list of compatible cards (Viking Interworks 1gb), but still can't upgrade my firmware to 2.0... very frustrating.

So I downloaded the source for the u-boot to try and get a better idea of how the upgrade process works and what may be going wrong. From what I can see the u-boot gives some fairly helpful logging information on the console during the upgrade process. Unfortunately I don't have a serial cable, but for anyone that does it would be great if you could capture the logging output and feed it back here.

There are a number of things that would be good to see; is the SD card detected by the u-boot? are the *img files detected by the fat loader? are they loaded ok?

After fannying about with different partition schemes and formats I'm now wondering if infact the problem isn't simply that the u-boot just doesn't see the SD, or wait long enough to detect it?

It certainly could be related to a timing issue. One thing I find curious is that in a couple of cases one or more of the files gets deleted when it apparently fails. So each time you have to put the files back on the card to try again. The other puzzling thing is why it sometimes works for people on some reader / writers but not others, which is what led me to start looking at the fat structure itself. I suppose if people have managed to get it working by formating using XP, that rules out the additional boot sector stuff that gets thrown in.

I would be interested in seeing the debug info on a failed upgrade as well. Are the MKII's from on version 2.0 already? Mines due to arrive tomorrow.
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TyBO! posted on May 27 2006 at 12:53 AM said:
Gadget, the program looks great, but can someone tell me how to change my SD card's drive from E: to G:? I'd appreciate it lots.

If you download it again you will find it's now v1.3 and has a drive selection drop down. Make sure you pick the correct drive though! I have disabled write and wipe for C: and D:, but you still could wipe another HDD if you aren't careful with selection.
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One thing I find curious is that in a couple of cases one or more of the files gets deleted when it apparently fails. So each time you have to put the files back on the card to try again.
This is actually by design I beleive, so you don't end up upgrading every time you boot if you forget to delete the *.img files. I would imagine it's done in one of the rc startup scripts.

The other puzzling thing is why it sometimes works for people on some reader / writers but not others
Is your image file an exact copy of a 128mb flash card, or does your tool process it in any way before writing it to the card? The reason I ask is that I when I wrote the image to my card the GP2X didn't even see it at all, but this was written to the SD using the unix dd comand across the GP2X usb link.

I would be interested in seeing the debug info on a failed upgrade as well. Are the MKII's from on version 2.0 already? Mines due to arrive tomorrow.
Let us know :)
Trying to update my first edition GP2X is driving me nuts. I've tried three different cards, all prepped both by Windows XP or by Gadget's program.

Now, I KNOW my 2X isn't one of the rare models that can't be updated, because thanks to Robs updater (and believe me, THANKS!, I'm looking forward to the 2,0 version!), it's running 1.4, but I don't think I've ever had any luck with GPH's flashing process. Ever.
Hello people,

I've successfully updated my GP2X to v2.0 firmware and thought I should add my info...

Here's what happened...

All operations on the SD card were performed using a USB2.0 card reader plugged into
a USB2.0 hub, which was in turn plugged into a USB2.0 port on a PC running WinXP Pro.

1) I borrowed a 512MB San Disk SD card from a colleague and wiped it clean using Gadget's
utility (v1.3).

2) I wrote the image he created to the card.

3) Put the newly written to card into the GP2X, switched on while holding start and select and.... nothing.
It didnt work. I tried seveal times, but this didnt work.

4) I put the card back into the card reader, and formatted the card in file explorer in WinXP.
I made sure it was FAT32. I did this abourt 4 or 5 times. I don't know if it made any difference,
but I though I would format it a few times to make sure.

5) I unzipped the firmware that i'd downoaded from (and as found on gamepark
holdings site) to my hard disk.

6) I copied ALL the files across to the SD card.

7) I locked the SD card making it read only. ( I think this caused a problem - see step (9)).

8) Put the card back into the gp2x, switched on while holding stat and select, and the updating
firmware screen appeared.

9) The updating firmware screen appeared for about 3 secs, then it changed to the green
loading linux screen (which now had firmware 2.0 written on it). This screen then stayed there
for what seemed like ages - something had gone wrong.

I then thought that maybe this stage of the update had got confused - having noticed on previous
upgrade attempts that some of the files were deleted from the card, I thought that maybe the
non-writable state of the card was the problem.

10) I switched off the GP2X (while that green screen was still hanging there) and took
the card out.

11) I checked that all the files from the original zip were still present on the card (they were).

12) Unlocked the sd card so that it was writable.

13) Put the card back in the GP2X, switched on while holding the start and slect button.
This time, the upgrading firmware screen appeared and stayed there for about 30 secs, as described
n the GPH website. Following this, the whole upgrade proceedure continued as described on their site.
It took a few minutes, but everything was fine.

So... my conclusion is.. there's a card incompatability issue.

Good luck.
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I should also point out to anyone gagging to upgrade to 2.0 that I have
noticed some issues since using the new firmware.

Besides the positive aspects such as faster boot times, and faster application loading times,
there are some problems. In particular, mamegp2x now seems to have problems running
quite a few of the games that worked fine under firmware 1.4.

So being on 1.4 has it's benefits...
gp32_console 2.0 came out and I had to upgrade :)
Seams my GP2X dont like the 1GB Lexmark SD for upgrading. No matter how i format it or setup the files. So i bought the Sandisk Ultra II 512MB (has a built-in USB connection) this card is uber fast and upgraded 1st time.
Also tried a few strange half-size SD's I have and multi-voltage cards all to no avail. ( GP2X is very picky)
I'd like to add that the TwinMOS 2GB (Ultra 66X) works perfectly for firmware upgrading. I have tested it multiple times on FW upgrade and works flawlessly each and every time.

EDIT: But it must be noted that this was done on an MK2 unit with FW2.0 ALREADY installed. I just upgraded 2.0 over 2.0 to clear the NAND (skins, modified boot sound..etc) and get back to the original factory software. I think that if you have v2.0 already installed, you are going to have less problems installing upcoming firmware releases. Probably because better SD support was added in v2.0.
do all of these failed firmware upgrades i'm reading about represent bricked GP2Xs? If the upgrade doesn't work, will it still boot up in your old firmware?
I have V1.2 right now, and a 2Gb Adata SD. I'm nervous about trying this.....
K2A3P88 posted on Aug 6 2006 at 06:28 PM said:
I think im getting a viking 1gb card. That should work, right?

i have a kingston 1GB card and i cant upgrade the firmware with it
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