reallynotnick posted on Apr 29 2006 at 08:18 PM said:
chris_r posted on Apr 29 2006 at 09:36 PM said:
So should it be aright to save to nand now? Seeing as it's partitioned so if a block does wear out on the writable partition it shouldnt damage any blocks on the system partition?
Why would you want to write to the nand anyway, its what 40mb left? There really is no point in even putting anything on there.
I encourage you to prove me wrong though.

Great fun in under 40MB:
the original Descent Demo 15MB, hours of fun. ( I realize that has nothing to do with the GP2X, yet. . . it IS open source after all.)
DRMD and a few of your favorite roms, play till your batteries die and your eyes bleed.
Running without the SD card in is bound to generate less heat and require less energy.
I am not saying it isn't a small space, but considering this scene is very into emulating consoles and systems that sport capacities in kilobytes and megabytes of storage, 40MB isn't that far off base to store a lot of older stuff.
Edit: silly me, I forgot all the fun you can have playing BubblesX, damned addicting that.
And don't forget all the GBC games that can fit in that space, if someone was to release a firmware for the GBC or GBA that "found" or released 40mb for odds and ends I think we wouldn't be so quick to decry the space.
A good use would be to put eBook readers, mediaplayers, and emulators or often used apps on the NAND, that way you can have several (maybe even small, 64mb and up) cards with media, roms, books, vid clips, that don't need their own program onboard.
Darnit, Edit 2:
I forgot that the move might be to larger NAND as the supplies of 64mb chips become scarcer and larger (up to 512MB) chips are the same cost to GPH when assembling the boards. That NAND space seems bigger now. Also, how about putting a whole nother OS on the second partition, useful for testing out beta OS's