Firmware 2.0.0 Next Week!

I just recieved my GP2x today. I borrowed my sisters SD card, that didn't work before. And used the default batteries (Ya, those batteries), even after 15 min of using the TV out function to test the cables. ALL TO UPGRADE THE OS!

It was sucessful :D Taking Risks FTW!
Hi folks,

I was quite excited by this firmware but looks like I've buggered my gp2x up. I've never had a problem flashing the firmware before, always using the psu and a compatable SD card. This time it looked like it was working, on the reboot it just went to vertical coloured lines that slowly appear over a white back ground.

Has anyone got any suggestions? From what Ive read it looks like a job for a JTAG cable, does anyone know anywhere that sells them already put together?

Thanks in advance.

I thought I had buggered up my one too, but it's just pretty slow. I first booted & it started the update, and then went to the green screen and just hung. I eventually gave up, and started again, holding START/SELECT and just held them down for about 15 minutes, and it eventually ended up in the menu. And it all works like a dream. I particularly like the high-speed boot & USB networking.
Well I did my Upgrade !

All OK no issues encountered, when from 1.2.

Check card is fat32 - it was
Unzip and put firmware on SD Card
Turn on PG2x
Firmware screen
Then green boot screen
wait 1 minute no movement
Turn off
Wait 15 seconds ish
Turn on holding down start & select
Firmware screen again
min or two wait
Then Patching screen
two-three minutes
Then Formatting screen
two mins ish then
Main menu displayed !

New menu options present !

Hay no Issues for the NickMon !

Thanks GPH, and thank all for trying it before me !

Now how to I use the web server....

Nickmon posted on Apr 28 2006 at 10:38 PM said:
Now how to I use the web server....


I just put in a FAQ document which has to be approved before posting: it explains how to connect. in the meantime, you put your web site on /usr/gp2x/www which contains a simple PHP file by default.
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2.0.0 Hack - Replacing the 2.0.0 LCD adjustment display with set_lcd from file archives

New set_lcd screen:,0,0,0,52,1358

Assuming you have previously installed GP2x STERM and set up Windows
with the USBGadget COM driver.

Start STERM on GP2x,start and connect via Windows HyperTerminal

Enter the Following:

cd /usr/gp2x/imglcd
cp set_lcd.png set_lcd.png_old
cp /mnt/sd/set_lcd.png .


Run Setting/lcd app on gp2x !

TyBO! posted on Apr 28 2006 at 09:33 PM said:
Yeah, but I used the Robster flasher instead of the one that GPH distrubuted. Maybe that's the problem... I need a special flasher to do the upgrade...
OK, this is a long shot, AND YOU COULD BRICK YOUR GP2X BY DOING THIS, I DON'T KNOW, but if you copy the new firmware files on the SD card, and rename "gp2xkernel.img" to "kernel140.bin", which is the file that Robster's flasher is looking for, then it should flash in the new boot code, and I'm guessing that the procedure should follow through as expected (e.g. as in the updated user guide on, it's worth reading that...)

However, please bear in mind that this is only a guess, I don't know if it will work or not, or whether you will end up with a shiny black brick!
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2.0.0 HACK - Start Up Jingle Replacement ??

The start up jingle is a .wav file that runs/plays in windows, so should be possible to replace with another sound sample for those that dont like it.

Not tested this so there might be some considerations for the size of the file..
2.0.0 Info - The Boot script

This is the boot script for the machine, notice the automatic update parts at the end !


mount /tmp
mkdir -p /tmp/log /tmp/lock/subsys /tmp/run /tmp/spool

devfsd /dev
mknod /dev/GPIO c 253 0
hostname gp2x

export PATH="/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="./:/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib"

if test -f "/usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu" ; then
cd /usr/gp2x

if test $? -eq 1; then
./gp2xmenu --boot --disable-autorun
./gp2xmenu --boot
if test -f "/mnt/sd/gp2xfs.tar.gz" ; then

if test -f "/root/" ; then

if test -f "/usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu" ; then
cd /usr/gp2x

./gp2xmenu --disable-autorun
Dang, no good here ..

Went from 1.0.1 to 1.2.1 a month or two back, all good.

Tried to get 2.0 to go.. ignored (the kernel and boot img's deleted).

Used robsters to update to 1.4.1 (good idea GF!)

Tried to go to 2.0... ignored (deleted 2 files.)

Tried 2 other SD cards.. same thing.

(Viking 256, Lexar 512, KingMax 1GB).

I'll try and find more SD cards..

Ah, found another SD .. a SanDisk 128 did work for the upgrade. Whew!


EDIT: I totally suggest everyone update (at least from 1.2 or earlier like I did :) -- the built in LCD tweaker is awesome, so the screen finally looks crisp and not like an old TV set. The fast boot is good, and hopefully it won't hang-on-boot like the old firmwares did. Compatability seems good. It actually feels like a good professional kernel.. a first from GPH... but big kudos to them. This is great stuff.
Nickmon posted on Apr 28 2006 at 11:28 PM said:
2.0.0 HACK - Start Up Jingle Replacement ??

The start up jingle is a .wav file that runs/plays in windows, so should be possible to replace with another sound sample for those that dont like it.

Not tested this so there might be some considerations for the size of the file..

he he try these...
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ooohh very nice i must say but..

maybe everyones having this problem so sry for asking..

when im using emulators now its like flickering or speeding up the program (for ex. Dr.mdx)

is this normal? :unsure: :(
Magellan posted on Apr 29 2006 at 07:25 AM said:
I tried 7 different SD cards to no avail. This is crazy!
Same here... 5 different SD cards (alll are mentioned in the Wiki as working).
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no new codecs, but it uses lower clockspeeds (longer batetry live) and haves a more stable audio sync, especialy with xvid.
Octoate posted on Apr 29 2006 at 08:50 AM said:
Magellan posted on Apr 29 2006 at 07:25 AM said:
I tried 7 different SD cards to no avail. This is crazy!
Same here... 5 different SD cards (alll are mentioned in the Wiki as working).

I used a Eagle Tech Card 1gb frm play-asia got it when I order machine and it from them. Never heard of it, but it works !
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