Firmware 1.3.0 Contents

Whats this auto-bricking-ness; does this occur once in a blue moon on all prior firmwares, or just specific ones?

I don't know, not sure if anyone does. I was running 1.01 firmware when it happened to mine. Some think its specific brands of SD cards combined with a firmware bug, but so far there's been no real evidence to back that up - at least, not that I've seen.

It is suitably rare though - I think it's happened to about six to ten of us on this board. What makes it so frustrating though is because, since it's presumed to not be a hardware issue, distributors are waiting to get their JTAG cables and/or official word from GPH before accepting returns for this problem.

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Whats this auto-bricking-ness; does this occur once in a blue moon on all prior firmwares, or just specific ones? I'm on FW1.0 still .. the only real annoyance I have with it 1-in-7 times not picking up that the SD was inserted (or crashing when it is.)

adgloride -- Each CPU core is a lane in the highway; having two lanes doesn't make the highway any faster than one, but it means two cars can both go full speed if they want to.


That is a fantastic explanation of dual processors without SMP.
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Whats this auto-bricking-ness; does this occur once in a blue moon on all prior firmwares, or just specific ones? I'm on FW1.0 still .. the only real annoyance I have with it 1-in-7 times not picking up that the SD was inserted (or crashing when it is.)

You're expressly forbidden from upgrading firmware!! That's all we need is for you to brick yours! :P :lol:
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And now for the bad news. Translation/summary of Anarchy's original post:

The built-in LCD Tweaker can set the lcd timing to several values (hey, every gp2x has the same lcd, why would we need to choose between several different timings? why doesn't it come with THE RIGHT timing set?), but none of those values makes the flickering disappear. Flickering, a problem we thought had disappeared long ago, seems to be back (although it didn't bother me at all when i had 1.0.0, and 1.1.0, and now 1.2.0).

And you can still use LCD Tweaker to make it look better BUT, instead of overwriting the built-in LCD tweaker settings, they combine making the LCD go totally crazy. This settings seem to be stored in the nand memory, so they're loaded every time the console boots. A boot process which now takes almost half a minute, by the way.

None of this bothers me anyway, and I'm even still optimistic that all this problems will disappear some day, there are still lots of updates to come.
I was going to update to 1.2 to take advantage of the comic reader, but as this is coming down the pipe soonish I'll just wait... Sounds quite good.

On the processors; it's been said many times, the road comparison is excellent. If that doesn't work, though this is a touch inaccurate, think of it this way:

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adgloride -- Each CPU core is a lane in the highway; having two lanes doesn't make the highway any faster than one, but it means two cars can both go full speed if they want to.
Occasionally one car has to stop while waiting for the other car to catch up. They roll down the windows, talk about where they're going next, then both of them take off at full speed again until they next meet up somewhere further down the road.
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And now for the bad news. Translation/summary of Anarchy's original post:

The built-in LCD Tweaker can set the lcd timing to several values (hey, every gp2x has the same lcd, why would we need to choose between several different timings? why doesn't it come with THE RIGHT timing set?), but none of those values makes the flickering disappear. Flickering, a problem we thought had disappeared long ago,  seems to be back (although it didn't bother me at all when i had 1.0.0, and 1.1.0, and now 1.2.0).

And you can still use LCD Tweaker to make it look better BUT, instead of overwriting the built-in LCD tweaker settings, they combine making the LCD go totally crazy. This settings seem to be stored in the nand memory, so they're loaded every time the console boots. A boot process which now takes almost half a minute, by the way.

None of this bothers me anyway, and I'm even still optimistic that all this problems will disappear some day, there are still lots of updates to come.
As I understand it this is only supposed to fix the flickering? Maybe It's needed to fix the slight difference in the hardware between different batch versions. Some units flicker more, some less at the same setting. So you need different timings for different units and the only way to fix it is to set it manually.

Hopefully they'll expand the LCD config menu later to include other things like brightness, contrast, etc.

I was more desperate for a universal scanline/interlace fix. But I'm still hopefull that we'll get a scanline fix later.

All in all a pretty ok update though.
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His point is that Flickering is BACK and you can't get rid of it with the built in LCD Tweaker.
Yeah, I kinda missunderstod. I'm beginning to think that dignsys are either totally incompetent or are purposedly doing crappy firmware to force GPH to pay them forever for new updates <_<
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This is just becoming a joke now. Are dignsys an english speaking company, because if so then we need to get someone to tell them the many many things they're doing wrong. They shouldn't be getting payed for releasing all these "updates" when all they do is introduce more and more bugs. And 30 seconds loading time? These people don't seem to have a clue what theyre doing.
Maybe the one they use dosent have the flickering problem. I might complain about the loading time if I was a coder and actually KNEW why it took the time it does but I'm not and thus dont see a way I can.

I think I'll actually wait for 1.3 to be released before I start setting up any protest banners.
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Take into account that what anarchy has is not the actual 1.3 firmware but a test version of it. Beta version of a beta firmware on an unreleased machine... Scary ;).
Take into account that what anarchy has is not the actual 1.3 firmware but a test version of it. Beta version of a beta firmware on an unreleased machine... Scary ;).

What's the unreleased machine? And the beta firmware? It's a beta release of a supposedly stable firmware. But yeah, still a beta release, I hope all the problems are fixed in the final version.

About the LCD, i don't really care about the brightness or contrast, I also want a fix for the scanlines, that'd make me VERY happy; that's the only thing I miss.
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whats this about an unreleased machine, and how does he have a beta firmware anyway, something special about this guy, is he involved with GPH or something?
If they drop the processor to 66MHz in the menu, I hope they store and restore the current processor speed, otherwise overclocking will have to be done in the application, or by a program called before running the application.


from menu running at 66MHz
run cpuspeed - set speed to 250MHz - exit with 250.
menu starts up - sets speed back to 66MHz
run mame - either ends up at 200MHz (bad programming) or restores 250MHz

perhaps I worry too much, I'm sure they're excellent programmers and thought of this ;)

I'm going to wait for 1.3.1 I think ;)