Finally back!

ok comments appear to be fixed now any more bugs caused from the php update let me know!! no doubt there will me more.
Thanks a lot!

Yeah, PHP guys tend to love to break things... you move from 5.3 to 5.4 and it doesn't even read your old config file anymore without crashing :/
my home server has php version 5.4.9 and it doesnt have any issues :p I think its probably more to do with the fact that error messages are on strict so even things that wouldnt break it will cause issues.

but having it like this is the right thing to do so we can fix any nagling issues/warnings
I get this when trying to install via Pndmanager:

[32m@FILE [37mhandle.c             [32m@LINE [37m406  [37m>> [33m_pndman_package_handle_install

[37mMD5 check fail for thetournamenthub.marqwatkin[0m
I tried to download the newest versions of open Xcom and the Tournament Hub, neither of which now wants to run at all...
Also, quotas for uploading file on the board is 2Mo, it was 10Mo before :(
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Ok EvilDragon advised he has restored all the missing files, but if people are still having issues let me know on this thread :)
I've been trying to download the same 4 PNDs for the past 4-5 hours from the repo website, and every time, it takes upwards of 10 minutes to download <20 MB of files (highly unusual for my ISP), which proceed to fail to mount in Minimenu.

I appreciate any potential fix.  ^^;; I argued with my ISP for 30 minutes about this, earlier, telling them that there was nothing wrong on my end (of which I am still mostly certain).
Where are you from?

We already know the server is slow in some areas. Nothing happened here that would've prevented a fast download..
I am in Ohio, USA.

Edit: If you want, I can drive up the street to a local restaurant with free wi-fi, to see if I can download there.

Edit 2: I am at a MacDonald's, on my Pandora.  The downloads were faster than before, but still do not function.
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The PND downloads are still broken.  I tried downloading The Tournament Hub again via the website,  and looked at it in a hex editor.

The file I received does not appear to have an embedded PXML and begins with the following:

<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: username in <b>/srv/www/vhosts/</b> on line <b>14</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: username in <b>/srv/www/vhosts/</b> on line <b>36</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined offset: 1 in <b>/srv/www/vhosts/</b> on line <b>115</b><br />
- Neelix
Well, if you are desperate for some new stuff:it is possible to manually download the pnd and do a tail -c +753 on it to remove the PHP warnings that shouldn't be there.
I now switched the repo to FCGId (more secure and allows its own php.ini) and disabled error logging.

I downloaded a PND and while I can't test it (I'm doing this on my phone right now), it seems to be valid (PXML data at the end, no error at the beginning).

If someone wants to test downloading and PNDManager, that would be great.