Finally back!


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Well, that was a long upgrade to Debian 7 on the server.

Basically, the upgrade went fine - but php5.4 was a real bugger and prevented any website from running.

Took a few hours to figure things out.

Hopefully, all sites are working fine now - but if not, give me a call and I'll check what's wrong!
Okay, found one issue (or maybe it's just me):

PNDManager doesn't seem to sync... it keeps syncing forever.
it seems the repo's RSS feed broke a little too. My RSS->IRC-bot is currently telling me about every upload ever made, it seems

EDIT: Yup. It told me about every package on the repo
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it seems the repo's RSS feed broke a little too. My RSS->IRC-bot is currently telling me about every upload ever made, it seems

EDIT: Yup. It told me about every package on the repo
Hmm, then that IRC-Bot was doing that, as the RSS-Script only spit out hundreds of errors, but not a single package :)

I disabled it right now.
PND installation from an existing database seems to be working.   Sync does not.  

When sync is requested the repo is just returning the following ad infinitum instead of returning a repo listing:

<b>Warning</b>:  array_unique() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in <b>/srv/www/vhosts/</b> on line <b>89</b><br />
<br />
- Neelix
By the way, comments cannot be posted in the repo anymore... clicking submit does not anything :p
At all or just through PND Manager?

EDIT:  actually,  I doesn't look like it's serving up valid PNDs either.   PND install via PND manager apparently downloaded ok, but the PND was not actually there once done.   (probably because libpndman was unable to parse it)

I downloaded a PND from the repo website,  then inspected it in a hex editor...  it contained a plain text error message at the beginning of the file and didn't seem to contain any PXML text.

- Neelix
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I am aware of these issues thanks to EvilDragon but I can't do anything about them until I get home from work tonight (in about 12 hours ish).
By the way, comments cannot be posted in the repo anymore... clicking submit does not anything :p

Some things were deeply broken with the upgrade, it seems.
I wouldn't say deeply broken, I'd say that a part of the repos framework is not php 5.4 compatible, which leads to these results.
The error it spit out with the RSS feed was the same type as with the syncing.

Shouldn't be hard to fix.

EDIT: Ahh, errors when downloading?

Milkshake: I've seen you are using XSendFile, which has been updated and is now using different parameters as well (the one you already set up in your config, actually, I had to change the comments there to make apache start)
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The files for the last ~92 PND's on the repo seem to be missing (icons, screenshots, and the pnds themselves)
It's been less than 9 hours since Milkshake quoted a 12 hour delay before he'd be able to look into it  so that's not entirely surprising. :)

- Neelix
I'm just glad that it's a server upgrade issue...I was kind of worried for a while (yesterday).  Couldn't log on at all.  You'll all get things ironed out soon enough.   :)
It's been less than 9 hours since Milkshake quoted a 12 hour delay before he'd be able to look into it  so that's not entirely surprising. :)

- Neelix
Allright, I wasn't sure when it would be fixed... time difference here :p
Comments do go up when you click submit - I just submitted the same comment 6 times  :wacko:   - its just that you don't get a confirmation ATM.
ok I have so far I have fixed repo/pndman syncing and the rss feed whats next? comments? do you have any examples where you multiposted?