Fgen Weekend Beta Compatibility List

ECCO - unplayable, crashes after sega logo
Zero tolerance - unplayable, displays a big triangle after sega logo and you can't get past it
Zombie High - unplayable, crashes on boot
Zool - unplayable, black screen
Zool - Black Screen
Gauntlet 4 - seams ok
Theme Park - Crashes
California Games - Working/Unplayable due to mangeld graphics
Worms - Black Screen
Wiz N Liz Black Screen
Caesars Pal = Black Screen

I will download and try some random games and see what happens.

I hope we get another release before i go on holiday on the 21st i want to be able to play Wiz N Liz again :)


Gain Ground - Black Screen
GemFire - Black Screen
Ghost + Ghouls Working but small jumping problem that happens sometimes ( whereever you jump you stay at that height)
Rampart - Black Screen
Road Rash 3 - Black Screen
RockmanX3 - decode error
Rolling Thunder 2 - works but does not load backgrounds
Tiny Toons Sports - FULLY WORKING!!!
Toejam + Erl - Crashes on load up
Turtles Tournament Fighters - Black Screen of death :)
Hey might as well report 2 bugs in games that are in the playable section.

Ninja turtles. If you watch the intro with april oneil it resets the gp32
Punisher at the start you have to move around a lot becuase its glitchy and you can't see yourself. After 10 seconds you can play the games as normal.
The Mole posted on Apr 24 2004 at 10:16 PM said:
Zool - Black Screen
Gauntlet 4 - seams ok
Theme Park - Crashes
California Games - Working/Unplayable due to mangeld graphics
Worms - Black Screen
Wiz N Liz Black Screen
Caesars Pal = Black Screen

I will download and try some random games and see what happens.

I hope we get another release before i go on holiday on the 21st i want to be able to play Wiz N Liz again :)


Gain Ground - Black Screen
GemFire - Black Screen
Ghost + Ghouls Working but small jumping problem that happens sometimes ( whereever you jump you stay at that height)
Rampart - Black Screen
Road Rash 3 - Black Screen
RockmanX3 - decode error
Rolling Thunder 2 - works but does not load backgrounds
Tiny Toons Sports - FULLY WORKING!!!
Toejam + Erl - Crashes on load up
Turtles Tournament Fighters - Black Screen of death :)
With my worms it says that i can only be played on a pal system. I hope rlyeh puts in pal support.
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I have the beta sitting right here on my desktop but i cant find my fucking gamepark! its not in the car or anywhere. So, i guess my plea is.... can someone give me theirs till i find mine! I need to try this!
Sonic 1 works fine for me, it is NOT unplayable.
Bugs: It runs a little to fast, and there is a jumping bug at the first platform in level 1: If you are going to jump on this platform to get the monitor with the rings, then sonic speeds up to lightspeed, flys out of the screen. this funny bug costs a life. :blink: . this happens at other places too, it is just an example.

greetings frischbrot
Since we're getting conflicting reports with some games, perhaps posting the GoodGen name (or at least region) of our ROMs and our GP32's firmware version would sort things out.
Well i was one of the people that posted sonic 1 as unplayable, The version i was refering to was from the Sonic compelaton pack that was only released in PAL regions i think it was the PAL Australian version i was useing.
In this version the core is totally different...the errors we have now are mostly due to what hasnt been finished in the core. As dave has more progress on the core the emulator will have more progress...well if ryleh puts it together that is.
Oo k thx, i remember you, i recognize your icon anywhere, havnt seen that icon for a while, u been somewhere i guess, unless im totally wrong which would suck :blink:
I played sone japanese ghosts and ghouls and it runs fine, but whenever you jump, you dont fall again, you just run around hovering on the new height.

Alex the kid falls straight away as soon as you start the first level and dies every time.

On sonic one he seems to go mental when i jump sometimes and the screen darts to the side and I die.

Devils Crush pinball restarts the gp32_console.

Golden axe 2 has this problem where the sprite just goes up and up and then dies, sort of flies away :S.

The incredible hulk just gives a black screen. James pond crashes and you cant move. James pond 2 restarts the gp32_console.

Prince of persia gives a blank screen.

Shining force gives you a name that includes every character and then doesnt load once the action starts.

Sonic 2 gives the same dart to the side of the screen error, only it goes all the way to the end of the level and then sonic dissapears so you cant go thru the spinning sign thing.

Unaltered Beast gives awful graphics and you die right away anyway.

Well, thats all the games on my smc, so none work :P. On the plus side though, this and the other fgen beta are the only too fxe that I can overclock to 166 in! Hooray!

Edit: Tried a few more.

Batman returns crashes the unit.

Beauty and the beast gives a black screen.

Spiderman lets you walk a bit but has corrupt gfx in the background and will bugger after a bit. Lets you have a quick go tho :P.

Superman is playable :D. You just dissapear for half a second if you get hit... so I'm invisible half the time cos I suck at it.

Wonderboy 3 in japanese or somethin seems to work but I can't figure out how to get out of the door at the start :angry:, so I don't know if thats a glitch in fgen or me :huh:.

Zero Wing returns a nice black screen :).
Ok gentlemen, i'm back for the day.

I've got a lot of updating to do on the first post, thanks to everyone who's submitted their results.

DarkWolfNine, when i've gathered all the results up i'll post them all on your website as a duplicate. It'll take quite some time though.
Dante posted on Apr 25 2004 at 09:32 AM said:
i get a black screen on revenge of shinobi
Working perfectly for me. I was playing it all of last night. :)

Can someone confirm that PAL roms still don't work?
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PAL roms still don't work.
I tried Worms and it stated "bla you should play this cartridge on a PAL-system bla".