Fenixide Linux Version


Dec 21, 2006
Czech Republic
Hi all,
I released first public version of my FenixIDE.
Now for linux only.

Please test and report bugs( theres still a lot of bugs)
In this version:
1. Syntax highlight
2. Compiling and running fenix apps from editor
3. Editable API browser
4. API completion

im lazy and i must write some docs for it.
But read 'readme!!!.txt' in docs folder.
Remember " PROGRAM is in alpha stage. still much bugged" but works :)

I forgot:
Really nice work! I have looked for a Fenix IDE for Linux a long time now and this seems great.
I get this error when I try to run it though :
Perhaps I miss some of the Pyton libraries?

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/cx_Freeze/initscripts/Console.py", line 26, in <module>
File "Editor.py", line 11, in <module>
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.py", line 38, in <module>
import gobject as _gobject
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/gtk-2.0/gobject/__init__.py", line 30, in <module>
from gobject.constants import *
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/gtk-2.0/gobject/constants.py", line 22, in <module>
from _gobject import type_from_name
File "ExtensionLoader_gobject__gobject.py", line 12, in <module>
ImportError: /home/imerion/Dev/Fenix/FenixIDE/gobject._gobject.so: undefined symbol: g_assertion_message_expr
everything that you need goes with package in this release.
program is compiled under Ubuntu and tested on ubuntu and Archlinux.Works well. But i take a look at this problem. may be this is distro specific. What distro you use ?

next release will be in python byte code coz i have some problems running cx_freeze under windoze. will be released soon.i think thats better than large exe files and will be multiplatform.
in this version will be dependencies on python>=2.5 and pygtk >=2.12

PS: please try this in python console " import gobject "
everything that you need goes with package in this release.
program is compiled under Ubuntu and tested on ubuntu and Archlinux.Works well. But i take a look at this problem. may be this is distro specific. What distro you use ?

next release will be in python byte code coz i have some problems running cx_freeze under windoze. will be released soon.i think thats better than large exe files and will be multiplatform.
in this version will be dependencies on python>=2.5 and pygtk >=2.12

PS: please try this in python console " import gobject "

I am using (X)Ubuntu 7.10, so that shouldn't be the problem. I tried "Import gobject" but that did not help. But Ill wait until the next version. It will probably work then.
hi, new version is on my site.
like i say now in byte code. it have 60kb gzipped instead of ~3mb packed exe.
i think that solve problem with libglib assertion message too.
tested on ubuntu 7.10 (todays upgrade) and windoze XP SP2 under VirtualBox.

Btw: sorry for my icons :) especially for processes and functions. little help needed.
Just tried it, and it works perfect! It has all the features I need and it works and looks great!
The only problem I noticed was that loading one of my programs (which is over 5000 lines) took a very long time. But perhaps this is to be expected of such a big program.
yes if you have long source file it takes long tome to load.
but this is PyGTKCodeBuffer feature.
If i use gtksourceview module loading time is short but i cannot compile this module for Win :/

I slowly working on another release coz i found some bugs on Windoze.
Please dont use PATHs with spaces and dont press Enter like first char in buffer.Something dirty in API completion.

Using win for now coz my hdd in laptop broken again :( its 80gb ATA 4200 rpm only :P
So I was wondering, when's the release of a .exe for Windows? Windows still lacks a good Fenix IDE (Flamebird either crashes or annoys me to hell), so I was hoping you could get it working? :)
yes, im working on multiplatform IDE :)
now i integrated fast syntax hilite using gtksourceview on win too.
No long loading times for large projects. something for Imerion :)
My valhalla port cca 4k lines long takes 0.5 sec for load. oops 500% speedup :)
Completely GUI rewrite. / last i think :) /
and many more.
but i dont have time for now.
now im playing with this http://www.tbs-software.com/spookyln/files/100_2774.JPG

and still waiting for my extended memory and new hdd for laptop arrive.