F200 - Couple Of Questions, About Board And Dpad


Still Fresh
Jun 16, 2007
I am going to either buy the F200 or the original, F100.

I want the new one but wish it was black and had a REAL dpad (don't we all).

Questions (some are just wishes but some are important):

1. I hear the new dpad hurts fingers? I'm a girl...with little fingers...hopefully it won't hurt that much? If so I won't be playing it!

2. Why couldn't they have designed an interchangeable pad/joystick? Just wondering. No one really has to answer that one.

3. Anyone who has one, have you modded it yet? I have someone who is a controls systems engineer who may be able to put a nintendo D-Pad in, and maybe have a hole where I can screw in a joystick to the middle of it when needed - however I am not sure if that will work with the board on the new F200.

4. Why do they think the white is sexy? Black is sexy!!! :(

5. Does the cradle work with the F200?

6. Are there any joysticks that work properly with the F200 and cradle?


I've had both and I can say that the white one is a lot more sexy.

I thought the black one was ugly, but it didn't matter too much because it was a geek toy.

Actually, I like the white DS more than the black. (Both are good i think)

The dpad is ok. It takes a while to get used to. The DS one is much better, but the GP2X is better at diagnols. Either way, they are both better than the joystick on the F100.

If you're looking for a bargain. There are lots of GP2X's going for a steal on ebay at the moment. (I think one in Australia)
Could always go the modders route, Spray paint the case! have it any colour you want then :D
1. Depends on what you're wanting to play on it really, hopefully we'll see more touchscreen uses rather than using the d-pad all the time.
4. It seems white is truely the new black, with all kinds of hardware (Nintendo/Apple) and UI designs (Google :P) using it rather than darker designs. I prefer white a lot more myself.
3) Yes, you could get an old GBA from e-bay for a few quid, cut a circle off it to take the surround (Dremel is your friend), sand the edges smooth, glue it (hot glue ideal) to the GP2x (hole cut to take it). You shouldn't need to use the GBA direction contacts from its mobo, those on the GP2x should be fine, and the contact rubbers should be fine too. Job done.

A GBA D-pad is about 1.7mm wide, the GP2x is only about 1-2mm wider, no issue.



4) Spray paint the outside, whilst you have the front off anyway (for the above) - cover the screen area so you don't cover it with paint (with electrical tape, or whatever). Varnish with 2 or 3 clear matt varnish coats to stop paint chipping and coming off.