F100, F200, Or Wiz For Smb? Hmmm... :)


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Ahright, bear with me.

In my spare time (ha!), I hack around; I rarely actually play games.. I find it more interesting to work on games, emus, ports, and so forth, sad I know. Still, I'm feeling the urge right know to play some of the "Mario" games (ie: Super Mario World etc), but its a tough one for me. 1) I generally don't much care for Nintendo properties or hardware, so I've never actually played any of these Mario games. Seriously, and I'm in my 30s :P 2) I actually do own a GBA and DS, but they're really my wife's nowadays, and being Nintendo machines I just find them icky to touch ;)

So rather than fire up a Mario game on a GBA or DS, I'd rather fire it up on something else. PSP might not be bad all told, but lets leave that one out for now.

Given the F100, F200 and Wiz .. what woudl be my best bets for Mario games, and which games?

ie: There are a bunch for GBA and GB/GBC and SNES, but lets keep it to SNES and GBA.

ie: For Mario (platformer games in general), you really want a high framerate or they just don't feel right or natural and lose playability imho quick; they need to play well.

That said, what machine and which emu and which games would play best, to get the best honest to god Mario experience, without falling back to an actual GBA or DS or the like?

(Sorry, I've spent the lat like 9 months in total work hell, survving layoffs and working long hours every damned day, so I'm a little out of the loop; my spare time has been going into Pandora dev, and working of course on BJ and Outcast for Wiz. So I'm beat to hell, and need some relax time :)

Hi Skeezix,

I know you said no GB/GBC or NES, Only GBA or SNES, But i have say, You MUST try Super Mario Bro 3 on the NES. It may not be the most graphically impressive game (For the NES, It ain`t that far off), But it is one of the best for playability. And because it`s on the NES, You should have no problems finding a emulator that will play it near perfectly. Hell, Even the trusty GP32 can play it without breaking a sweat, Though it`s not full speed on the GP32, You`ll be hard pushed to tell.

Speaking of the GP32, Have you seen my reply to your question here ?.


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Ah, a topic close to my heart.

I'll say straight out that I'm not a fan of Super Mario World. In fact the only Mario games I need are SMB1 and SMB3. These were both NES games, which gives you two options; (i) load them up separately in GPFCE, or (ii) play them as part of the tarted up SM Allstars package in a SNES emu.

I stuck with the latter for a long while (SM Allstars in PocketSNES). It's not full speed, but very close to it. But both games are noticably silkier & smoother in their original NES form, played in GPFCE. Perfect in fact. You don't get the enhanced graphics (or occasional enhanced chip bleeps) but you do get the gameplay you're after.

I'm doing this on an F200 @ 200mhz, so as far as performance goes it's not going to matter which GPH handheld you choose. What does matter though (IMHO) is a good d-pad, which narrows it down somewhat. ;)
I would say that if you are going to play Super Mario World, you would probably want to play it on the Wiz. I've played that game on both the PSP and on the Wiz. With the Wiz being able to overclock so high, it is almost always at 60fps. It plays better on the Wiz as well since the D-Pad is a bit better.

I would definitely try the NES SMB1 and SMB3. Those are classics that I'm sure you would have some fun with. For NES emulation it's really your choice. The PSP, GP2X, WIZ, and even the GP32, emulate those games quite nice.
Or you could go for Super Mario All-Stars on SNES, there is a better looking version of SMB3 on it, along with other games.
Actually PocketSNES on Wiz loading up SMB3 is pretty darned nice isn't it? :)

Too late at night, must run, but thanks for the suggestions :)
