Dingoo Or Wiz

I'm really new to this whole scene (my Wiz hasn't even arrived yet) so correct me if I'm wrong. But I think the comparisons debates should be between the Wiz and the PSP, not the Wiz and the Dingoo.

• Both (pre-PSP Go models) sell for around the same price on Ebay if you look for deals
• Both have 64MB of RAM (post-PSP 1000 models)
• Both have powerful processors
• Both have large homebrew communities standing behind them.

The main difference between the Wiz/Dingoo and the PSP is that they don't require hack/modding to play homebrew while the PSP does. But once you get past that roadblock it seems much more apt to compare the Wiz to the PSP than the Wiz to the Dingoo. The Wiz and Dingoo don't even use the same processor architecture.
blueshift said:
The Wiz and Dingoo don't even use the same processor architecture.

Dingoo and PSP use the same processor architecture, MIPS.
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blueshift said:
• Both have powerful processors

What makes you think Dingoo's is weaker than PSP's?

blueshift said:
• Both have large homebrew communities standing behind them.

What makes you think Dingoo doesn't? Actually, it seems that its scene is more active than Wiz's. Not sure how active or inactive PSP's is these days.
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Exophase said:
What makes you think Dingoo's is weaker than PSP's?
The Wiz is more powerful than the Dingoo and I think the PSP in most regards is more powerful than the Wiz. So I'm assuming that makes the PSP more powerful than the Dingoo.
Exophase said:
What makes you think Dingoo doesn't? Actually, it seems that its scene is more active than Wiz's. Not sure how active or inactive PSP's is these days.
I've heard some people say that the Wiz's community is more active and that the Dingoo's is a ghost town, and that the Dingoo's community is active and the Wiz's is a ghost town. I'm just assuming the Wiz has a more active community as it's easier to port apps from the GP2X to the Wiz than it is for the Dingoo people to make completely new apps from scratch. So the Wiz people have a leg up even if they don't have as many people. Also I'm assuming people who bought the GP2X would be more likely to stick with a GPH product than try something new. But as you might have guessed, these are all just assumptions.
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Everyone loves a good 'versus' thread. In this case 'Wiz' vs 'A320'. Fight!

To tel you the truth, I think the A320 is better - not in hardware - but what it delivers to the user and developer.

The Wiz has some fancy extras that really aren't being used and that the end user is paying for. 3D acceleration... touch screen... both nice but what uses them? The touch screen may get a bit more action, but I don't think it's worth the extra money on such a device.

The A320 is nice and simple. It's also quite a lot cheaper, even after the Wiz's price cut. It delivers to both the user and the developer. Thanks to Dingux, it's easy to develop for, supports built in ethernet over USB, is reasonably fast. Sure it's not perfect, but it's "good enough". And that's all people want for the time being - waiting for Pandora (so it seems).
slaanesh said:
The A320 is nice and simple. It's also quite a lot cheaper, even after the Wiz's price cut. It delivers to both the user and the developer. Thanks to Dingux, it's easy to develop for, supports built in ethernet over USB, is reasonably fast. Sure it's not perfect, but it's "good enough". And that's all people want for the time being - waiting for Pandora (so it seems).
So your saying that the Wiz is too expensive but your going to spend probably 2x as much on the Pandora when it comes out? Granted, it does a lot more and is more powerful. But honestly, how much power do you need out of a handheld gaming device primarily designed to play emulators of older systems? If you want to play games with realistic 3D graphics get a PSP Go. The Wiz isn't nearly as powerful and they're already getting PSX games to run on it.

I was hesitant to get the Wiz because of it being so much more expensive than the Dingoo, but people said that if you want a sure thing go with the Wiz as the emulation is better and has a more active homebrew community. Now I hear other people saying the exact opposite. Maybe I should just be happy with what I ordered and stop paying as much attention to what the other system has that mine doesn't.
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DaveC said:
DrPreston said:
I'm debating over either a GP2X Wiz or Dingoo A320 to tide me over until the Pandora is made generally available. I'm tired of the Pandora being "just around the corner". It was supposedly supposed to be out a year ago. Sorry, I'm ranting.

Anyway, in your opinions, which is better for what I want to do.
Things I absolutely want to do include

1. Gameboy Advance games, particularly Mario games and Pokemon
2. SNES Games. The ability to play StarFox would be nice, but it's obviously not very practical on either system right now
3. Sega Genesis/MegaDrive games
4. Doom. Can't live without Doom

Comments on how well Doom plays on either of them would be well appreciated.

Sorry if this has been done before.
GBA is great on the Wiz but some stuff does have speed issues and some games don't run at all. I have heard similar on dingoo but can't verify.

SNES is great on the Wiz, although I haven't tried it on a dingoo but I heard it runs good there too. I wouldn't expect Starfox to run well on any of these though. It is unplayably slow on the Wiz SNES emu and I think the same on dingoo.

Genesis and Sega CD are pretty much perfect on the Wiz. I could only see Genesis being the same on dingoo but not better, you can't get any better.

Doom is fine on the Wiz and darker areas look better than on dingoo due to the OLED screen pure black/better contrast. Again they are probably pretty close here.

I have to add this even though you didn't ask: MAME for older arcade stuff is breathtaking on the pure black high contrast OLED screen. Stuff like Galaga, MsPac-Man, Donkey Kong, Zaxxon, Robotron etc. look superb. The vector games like Tempest and Asteroids are stunning, it really does look like a mini arcade game with a CRT screen. I have played these on LCDs and it isn't even close. I would say the Wiz is worth it just for MAME.

All I can do is give some biased advantages and you can extrapolate from here. This would be the Wiz has: Twice the RAM at 64 megs vs. 32 megs, a touchscreen, a 3D GPU, OLED screen, capacity for up to 32 gb SD cards (Dingoo is at 8 GB max mini SD unless that has changed), removeable battery (dingoo battery is hardwired in). Other than that I don't know.

chickendung said:
I think star fox will be possible eventually on the Wiz, but I'm not so sure about the Dingoo. It is much weaker than the Wiz.
Doom is flawless on the Wiz apart from some minor screen tearing(which may be fixed in the future). I think the Dingoo has the same level of quality, but no tearing.
GBA games run great on the Wiz, but I do not know how good the Dingoo is. However, I cannot seem to get Warioland 4 to run anymore...Mario games and Pokemon work great.
I doubt Starfox will run well on either ever. It would take allot of programming effort to make that run well and I just don't see it happening.

According to EvilDragon (who sells them) all new Dingoos have diagonal tearing too now. I guess they felt left out as the Wiz had it and they didn't :P . Well Ok not the reason but I guess they put in a 240 x 320 LCD now so the tearing issue has become moot as they are the same there. These issues can be solved in software so it isn't a major thing.

I own two Dingoos, one white and one black, I bought the white one right after Dingoo released it, and the black one recently. And I got my Wiz yesterday. There's no much I call tell about the Wiz since I have not even got enough time to test it.

But here's one thing I can correct you about Dingoo, both ones I got, white (first release) and black (latest release I think) support 16gig miniSD card, I've tested 1 to 16 gig cards on both of them, and all work fine (both in official FW and Dingux). I am not sure if 32 gig will work since I don't have one.
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blueshift said:
I'm really new to this whole scene (my Wiz hasn't even arrived yet) so correct me if I'm wrong. But I think the comparisons debates should be between the Wiz and the PSP, not the Wiz and the Dingoo.

I'm afraid your wrong. Sometimes it's not about power or memory or how big or small your unit is. It's about what a device does for you. The Wiz and A320 do very similar things for it's users. They both rely on homebrew coders and popularity to fuel their development. The PSP... not so much. When it comes to emulation and ports of popular games, the Wiz and A320 are also very similar.

I understand what your saying, I thought about buying a PSP also and sadly with development seemingly stalled on the Wiz I almost wish I had bought the A320. It is still the Amiga emulation that does it for me though and I have heard that there is something about the A320 that doesn't get along with the Amiga emulation.

I wish that I could quickly learn how to port from the GP2X but I'm guessing it's not something you can learn easily. I kind of thought that we would see most everything ported over but now I'm thinking not.
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blueshift said:
The Wiz is more powerful than the Dingoo and I think the PSP in most regards is more powerful than the Wiz. So I'm assuming that makes the PSP more powerful than the Dingoo.

Power is a difficult thing to quantify. When it comes to emulators most don't use multiple CPUs or 3D acceleration, nor do they benefit from floating point (even vector floating point). When you strip away these advantages PSP has what remains is a CPU that has a lower clock speed than the Dingoo, similar basic architecture, and no edges in features such as cache. PSP may still have less obvious advantages that give it stronger CPU performance, though. For instance the memory subsystem, of which we don't have extremely solid details for either. But the numbers I've seen for cache miss costs on PSP were not encouraging; I think that despite having DDR RAM it might not be that low latency.

blueshift said:
I'm just assuming the Wiz has a more active community as it's easier to port apps from the GP2X to the Wiz than it is for the Dingoo people to make completely new apps from scratch.

This kind of works for and against activity - in terms of raw numbers of releases and people visibly working on things it means less is being done since the projects become simple port jobs. In terms of what's actually available things would be better, at least for a while.

blueshift said:
Also I'm assuming people who bought the GP2X would be more likely to stick with a GPH product than try something new.

This would also probably work against GPH, since they don't have a shining reputation. You can see by the response Pandora has received here that plenty of people are perfectly enthusiastic to try something new.
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DaveC said:
I wouldn't expect Starfox to run well on any of these though. It is unplayably slow on the Wiz SNES emu and I think the same on dingoo.

I doubt Starfox will run well on either ever. It would take allot of programming effort to make that run well and I just don't see it happening.
Does that mean that you doubt any 3D game will ever run smoothly on an SNES or Genesis emulator for the Wiz? Like Mechwarrior 3050 or Turn and Burn?
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blueshift said:
Does that mean that you doubt any 3D game will ever run smoothly on an SNES or Genesis emulator for the Wiz? Like Mechwarrior 3050 or Turn and Burn?

Most 3D games don't use extra hardware and are more or less like any other game. On Genesis in particular only one game used additional hardware, Virtua Racing. And Picodrive for ARM is optimized to handle that as best as it can (which as far as I'm aware is pretty good).
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