Extension Out Questions


Programer Guru! ...in the making
Feb 2, 2004
ok, I know that you can make a worm light that goes from the ext port to a light, but is there anywhere else that energy can come from? Or do I have to put another port on my gp32 so I can power a light?

will a t100 charger work for powering a worm light if I have no other choice?

thats all for now, I know I had another ?? but I forgot it

well, remember how the original gameboy had the light and screen that had its own batteries? rig something up using one of those :P
The two power outlets are the ext port and SMC slot. If your using both of those, you'll either have to open the gp32 to make another output, or generate your own power.
I was gona put a line from the battery compartment to a new outlet in the case
but would a charger work?????

I am goin to try to make a light, BLU too much for me
Im upgrading car system and computer system , not much money left between them

just get a worm light :P

You only need 2 pins in the connector (Pin 1 and 18 ). Then you solder the 2 wires up to it from the worm light :D