Any Lighting Solution For Unlit Gp32

Aug 10, 2004
Hi, I have a worm light and I was wondering if there was anything else than that to play in the dark with my unlit GP32? Is there someone offering a service to add frontlight to it or anything because with my wormlight the screen is less bright than in the middle and there's a little reflection of the light on my glass screen. I don't want to change my GP32 since it can goes up to 220MHz stable and I can play GPquake and Opensnes9x overclocked very smoothly. Thanks

PS: I know MassMods used to offer a fronlight install service but he no longer do it and his site is dead(for the moment?)...
noone offers any kind of light modification for gp, sorry.
you only choice could getting some broken pda with frontlight from ebay and rip it apart.

i would just sell the nlu at ebay and buy a blu form it.
Just an idea, I have a BLU so haven't tried this.

If you have a mobile with a big lit screen you might get a more even light. Get a plain white background, those ringtone places sell the white backgrounds but it'd be alot cheaper if you can load it from a pc. Plus you wont need to replace batteries.