ever thrown in the towel because of impossible work conditions?


Advanced Member
Jan 31, 2006
hey people... just wanted to vent and ask about your experiences.
I just quit my job last week and feel a bit down but liberated at the same time.
as some might know, I work in the performing arts. I was with the municipal theatre dortmund for four and a half years, working as a directors assistant, then tried to become a freelance video artist over the last half year or so.

I started working for an independent collective of actors/artists under the direction of a guy I had worked with before in dortmund. He was looking for someone to do live camera work, live cutting and vjing on stage. I had done two plays with the guy and thought I knew his quirks. Now I know better...

He was just impossible to work with. Maybe it's chemistry and we just don't get along. anyway, he'd push me and push me so much, I'd barely sleep during productions, because his expectations were huge. Main problem to me seems to have been communication and having no grasp of technical feasibility. During the rehearsals for the last production, I was in Würzburg working on the play for 6 weeks (if anyone near there in Germany wants to check it out, it's called "Kafka 2.0"). I had to be there to run the system for the whole duration of rehearsals (3 live cameras, greenscreen and constant video/audio show playing) and produce new footage on a daily basis which practically meant that I was working 14 hour minimum daily, 7 days a week for 6 weeks. We had a couple of fights about this and because there wasn't enough time to program the show on stage because he couldn't get into his head, that the expectations he had needed a lot of time to program. So I threatened, I'd quit if I had to do both jobs in the next production (cutting and producing footage while also performing live), and since I am not coming from a video production background, we decided to get someone to produce the footage while I would just attend rehearsal and take care of programming cues, doing live cam setup and the technical side while also performing with the actors.

well since the new play started production, we quickly got into each others hair again. it appears, he's learned nothing from the previous production. Luckily, the theatre we are working with now, has a bunch of very talented people behind the stage and we got rolling again for a while. the show was programmed, all cues were essentially built, before we actually got on stage, because me and my intern (who knew how to do most of the programming since he had worked with the software before) were able to take three days while the director was gone, and just polish and build our cues and midi network. then we went on stage for the last 2 weeks before the premiere. it escalated very quickly. the second stage rehearsal was a disaster. the director got really pissed because the timing on a video cue was not correct (like 30 seconds in the play...). normally you'd ask your assistant to put it on the to do list and then continue rehearsal, but he publicly had a fit of rage and insulted me in front of everyone (this has happened a lot before, he has lost his shit with a bunch of actors as well, before). What really gets me infuriated is, that I knew he was out drinking the day before and it was a common occurence, that he'd be in a shitty mood the next day and start trouble with people at rehearsals. He was actually two hours late that day, the assistant had to get him out of bed because his cellphone was unreachable... so everyone had been waiting for hours... and then he starts fucking around because of some shit like that and insults me publibly in a hissy fit... ridiculous.

I wasn't going to take that shit any longer and blew my top off. I haven't shouted in a long time, never really at work as I am usually able to control myself even if people get me angry. Anyway I packed all my stuff and left, told him to get his shit done himself if he wasn't able to work with me. after cooling down for about an hour and smoking a couple of cigarettes, we sat down together and decided it was time to go our seperate ways. So I left my intern with the show, he'll actually get some of my wage as compensation. Good thing was, that I would have had to leave the show in the hands of the local technicians this week anyway, as they also have to control the show on and after the premiere, so everything was pretty much built, cues were all essentially there and just a lot of polishing left to do, like fade times, tidying up the cue list, doing volume adjustments and gains etc.

Still it feels weird to just leave like that. Everyday now, I am constantly checking my phone for any calls/news because I still feel responsible. I am not sure if I failed, if the cooperation failed, or if that guy is just an egomaniac narcissist asshole.

since this is the first job that I have quit because of something like this, I wonder what people have experienced in their field of work. obviously quitting like this would have different consequences for most people, and working in theatres has a bunch of advantages, but the stress and work load is insane for the pay. after all we don't save lives or offer anything vital to the public, it's entertainment for most people and a little bit of political and intellectual education for some.

like for this production, I would have gotten 2000eur pay (no taxes etc included) and that is for 6 weeks of very hard work and very long days, pretty much 10 to 14hrs 6 days a week. just not worth the pressure for me.
What's done is done.
There is no shame in moving on when you accept the road has no fixed destination.

Hold onto things if you feel you need to, but understand there is no suffering without attachment.

The more you let go, the more liberated you will feel.

What makes you feel guilty? What idea is that guilt attached to?

How 'True' is that idea?
Can you let it go?

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Dude, you cannot blame yourself for shitty managers. I've had my share of those, there's whole studies done demonstrating the number one reason that good people leave is because their superiors are insufferable, ESPECIALLY to the good people.
I've left two jobs because of management incompetence, it's nothing to be ashamed of. You'll bounce back. If a future employer ever asks, just be civil about it: you had a difference of opinion and after several weeks and attempts to make it work you both agreed it was best to go your separate ways.
I had a good share of that, but as contractors choose employees, I also choose contractors.
I have even totally abandoned work before for similar reasons without even explaining myself and cutting of comms. If the level of professionalism drops to low-level barking, I´m off.
I´d only stick with it if it has a loooooooooooot of money involved and even so, it is not a guarantee.

Of course the need for money sometimes makes you endure a situation but I like to think above it, and being a generalist, I can work other fields if my preferred one is not quite working at a certain time.
I have put a lot of time, work and research throughout my whole life into doing what I do, I´m good at it and I solve a lot of problems and cut a lot of expenses. I won´t prostitute my work by no means.

Now, when working with arts (and science), there will always be hard egos, it is pretty much standard, the hard work is always politics.
But by what you described, I´d do the same.
Yep, I also left a company (where I've been working for 8 years) after they switched management.
The new management didn't really appreciate anything their workers were doing, which is something I don't like.
I don't need much money (enough to live is fine), but if someone does something, I want that this is appreciated in some way.

So bam, I went away.
Hmm I was fired.. but I should have left my last company.
I was employed by someone I almost saw as a friend, but I never knew how his real character was. People change when they have power over you, they use your weaknesses against you.
We where really like friends so we talked a lot about private stuff, and he used all against me. Scared me to talk about anything and told me he would make sure I would never get a decent job again if I don´t do exactly like he wanted. After two years of torture I became so depressed that I tried to kill myself, he found that out and made me go to a doctor. But I had to get a signed paper from him that I was there, otherwise he would fire me and once again make sure noone hires me. He told the big boss that I was no good and could not be sent to customers because my work is shitty, but wanted to keep me for other things. I think he had this perverted need of someone to torture, but also wanted me to do his work.

On one day the big boss came and fired me, without the knowledge of my small boss... I was free. I found a much better job, earning now more after taxes then there before taxes.
I don´t need to go to the doctor again, I am not depressed anymore. Life can be hard, but sometimes it can be beautiful :D
I am unable to work under anyone. Or for anyone... especially those who sit at the side.

Simply impossible...
... so I have been carving my own *invisible* path for many many seasons now. Sometimes I fantasize life would be so much easier handing over the big decisions to some 'other'... but I know this as foolishness. It can only be me, and me alone.

I have never met a person with the responsibility and capability to do what is needed, and know I never will (in spite of the pretenders who try to 'force' recognition, they claim they can help, but just weigh you down and leech off your works like parasites... and the end results are of much poorer quality than if I had done it entirely myself)... so I go about my ways, taking complete responsibility for all I generate or choose to deny in 'my' reality.

One by one the parasites will fall and be crushed as I tire of 'humouring' them.
In the entertainment world, there are these... let's call them engagers. They have a good confidence, good talk, know how to negociate and are able to drive a vision to get something completed.
When things are good, they are the big kahuna's you stick with because they make things happen, and money rolling.
However, when it starts going downhill (at first you do not notice) and they use their skills and influence AGAINST you... it crushes hard.

So: Good move. Take a breather... and let's go again!

Yes, you feel responsible beyond duty. You think: "Good, everything was done, and other people will take it over". He will think: "He is gone, all still works, we didn't need him.".
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I developed a back problem- don't tell the company anything about any physical problems of any kind.
The job I did in a Hotel was physically intensive- I asked for lighter duties in another division within the hotel. They basically screwed me.
Human Resources repeated the tag line "There are no lighter duties" as did the chef. They only cared about legal stuff, getting sued etc- they do not give a toss about people. I was too trusting; I had worked there for 4 and a half years.

If I had simply said I would like to seek work elsewhere within the hotel with no mention of back problems then it would have been fine. Human resources can never be fully trusted because at the end of the day its the hotel that pays them and they ain't gonna jeopardize that.
In short I had to leave employment because they would not offer me any other work.

I'm not bitter about it as it was time to leave that hotel anyways- I learned a lot in that hotel-mostly about human nature.
I don't like to speak about these things on an open forum, but if you were stressed, you did the right choice... many people prefers to suffer than doing that.
I quit my job after ~3 years because I wouldn't get a proper employment - as in compared to via temp agency. Despite every colleague and two levels of superiors liking my work the company's business strategy said I'd have to wait years before I could feel safe and actually get what I earned. 20 days of vacation my ass.

F... temp agencies.
A lot of us here where I work are getting quite sick of upper management and the Morale is very low right now, they're trying to mend it before they restructure us but a lot of people are already saying they're taking a redundancy which will cost them quite a bit of money.

I'll likely throw the towel in when that time comes.
After two years as a contractor... I got a "White" badge at a certain computer company that starts with and H and ends with a P...
For the next 5 or so company meetings... the one topic that repeatedly came up was the low wages... poor management... and how they are doing everything!

GONE! in 60 Seconds!

What a waste of time...

I worked with some of the most amazing people! I asked them all ... WHY do you put up with this!?...
(Yes! Some of the BEST people I've ever had the pleasure of working with... Yet Management is only looking at the numbers on Wall Street... nothing more! so sad!!)
So: Good move. Take a breather... and let's go again!

I would suggest he moves on completely.
This isn't some game being played

He should go somewhere else and stay far far away from anything like the being that's put him in this position.

If that manager is anything remotely like me... I would destroy him, and everything he holds sacred would be crushed along with him.
He would be beyond foolish to 'go again'.

I push people away from me for their own good.
When they refuse to listen... God have mercy on their souls... because I will have none.

Don't take this warning lightly.
Stay away.
Some of the BEST people I've ever had the pleasure of working with... Yet Management is only looking at the numbers on Wall Street
Hey I work for the competition across the road. Same here. Wages have gone down year after year. Amount of work has gone up. Amount of collagues has gone down. Have to work overtime without extra compensation. And as a senior... well, I get too much chat, too much email to respond without also doing my work... I eat from the cheapest supermarket. I have holes in my shoes (here in the Netherlands, shoes are too big for my foot, so I have to go abroad to buy good shoes, or pay a costly amount)... to have some money left so I can spend it on my daughter. Also coffee is 0,32 euro, so I bring my own thermos now.
According to mental health check one in two ppl have stress related problems. At least two persons die each year from stress... on my working floor (and there are many floors).
The grass is not greener here... higher management wants us gone too. (work goes to cheaper countries). The stockexchange index is all that matters.

They made us work while removing asbestos
We have a building with lack of oxigen (so you NEED to take a break in order to replenish some oxigen)
building is so old the water comes out with a metalic flavour
And nobody seem to care we have too much wifi waves.
I would suggest he moves on completely.
My meaning was more like: Don't stay unemployed for long. Wipe your man-tears, and get work again...