My GP32 has gotten and still will get used for a LONG time. Even if I get a GP2x I'll keep using my GP32 for Genesis NES C64 SMS and probably GB to save space for oter things on the GP2x that the GP32 can't do.
seeing the front page.... not a sign of any gp32 news.
I wish this site had stuck to gp32 and made a sister site for the gp2x, but that's progress I guess. Now any gp32 news won't last long before it's bumped off by gp2x news.....
I hope the GP32 is not on it's way out. I will still use my GP32 for the emulators that work on both. The GP32 BLU has a better screen than the GP2X (no diagonal noise lines or contrast shadowing), a much better joystick and battery life that is still practical, STEREO sound out of the speakers, better build quality etc. I have a feeling that many devs will come back to the GP32 after playing with the GP2X for awhile because of the above issues.
Almost ALL the issues (except the joystick one) are SOFTWARE not HARDWARE issues... They've already released an LCD fix, and there's a patcher that gives the speakers stereo sound(and more)... Once January comes around we'll see some new firmware that will fix battery issues...