Emulation Updates & General State of Software


Still Fresh
Oct 13, 2009
Hi all. I hope more and more peeps are getting their Pandoras on a more regular basis. I'm really enjoying mine as I know you probably are or will too.

Perhaps because there are not a whole lot of Pandoras in the wild just yet, but it seems as if there has been a lack of updates for the current emulators and software. We all know there are many improvements that are needed (of course, not disrespecting the Developers who made these wonderful emulators...). It just seems as if everything has halted. Yes, N64 emulation seems to be improving.

If only I knew programming and/or had the time to learn. I guess everyone is busy these days making a living.

I hope the Pandora community and Developers will continue to improve all software environments.

Pandora forever!
Hmm, any software in particular you're talking about? Most of the emulators I've used seem to be pretty solid, so they're not really in a state of active development.
I know the N64 is a bit of a beast to emulate (not as much as the Saturn) but I wonder how much is possible to get out of it on the Pandora.. will it ever run most games smoothly (theorectially)?
Personally, the gameboy/gameboy color emulators could use some more work with either sound or stability. I believe that also holds true for the gameboy advance. Unless I'm trying the wrong emulators.

There is as perfect as you can get emulation for the NES, SNES, SMS, Genesis, NeoGeo, NeoGeo Pocket Color so I'm already set for life. But the play though Shantee, Donkey Kong 94, and the 4 GB/GBC/GBA zeldas again would be real nice.
^ VisualBoyAdvance, whilst too slow for Game Boy Advance titles, is perfect at 600MHz (stock speed) for Game Boy titles. I haven't tried any Game Boy Colour ones, though, but I suspect that it's likely to be the same.
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I know this isn't popular (or at least it doesn't seem to be with the devs/porters, bring on the vitriol..!) but as far as i am concerned they ALL desperately need shader, screen scaling & filtering support.. if some users and devs are concerned with authenticity/accuracy that's fine, but please don't deny them for everyone at least include the choice for those that aren't quite as concerned about exact screen ratios & stretching etc (it would be optional after all!) i for one would love to see some support for Super Eagle, HQ 2,3,4x, and all the other popular filters for Snes, Megadrive, Gba, Mame (SCUMM!!) etc.. as i'm sure people who have tried these are well aware, they can (and generally do) make things look quite beautiful.

Not quite sure how possible they would be, but i would love to see some of Pete's PSX GPU Plugins & shaders (used with Epsxe) or something similar included with future builds of Rearmed, there are some really quite astonishing results that can be achieved when using some of these.
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