Release Emu EX Plus Alpha ported to the Pandora

Ok, thank you. That's good if you can at least reproduce it on your side. Maybe it's not a bad value written inside the settings file, but is more related to the code logic (it may take another initialization path if the settings file is present in the appdata folder). Anyway, good luck with this one! ;)
Yes, I'm looking for something like that. But it's not an easy task. The *.emu are based on a custom framework library, called Imagine, and with an Emulation specific added layer. That's what makes all the emus looks & feel so similar. But the debugging is more difficult too.
report  some bug?


The upper right corner of the menu button hidden/off is invalid,In the game always see a transparent key area.

Very obvious when the screen flicker
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report  some bug?


The upper right corner of the menu button hidden/off is invalid,In the game always see a transparent key area.
I think it's the same VSync-Artefact mentioned by Michiko you are seeing. Try delete the config file and see if you see the same thing.
report  some bug?


The upper right corner of the menu button hidden/off is invalid,In the game always see a transparent key area.
I think it's the same VSync-Artefact mentioned by Michiko you are seeing. Try delete the config file and see if you see the same thing.
yes,delete config file Take effect once;exit and run emu again Back to the origin
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report  some bug?


The upper right corner of the menu button hidden/off is invalid,In the game always see a transparent key area.
I think it's the same VSync-Artefact mentioned by Michiko you are seeing. Try delete the config file and see if you see the same thing.
yes,delete config file Take effect once;exit and run emu again returned to the far point

I'm working on it. Not fixed yet, and no really hint on what's going on...
report  some bug?


The upper right corner of the menu button hidden/off is invalid,In the game always see a transparent key area.
I think it's the same VSync-Artefact mentioned by Michiko you are seeing. Try delete the config file and see if you see the same thing.
yes,delete config file Take effect once;exit and run emu again returned to the far point

I'm working on it. Not fixed yet, and no really hint on what's going on...
Thank you, at least the first run perfect  :P
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So I finally understood what happens here :)

When you have a config file, the emu change folder to the Roms folder. It does that before initializing the GLES windows. But the GLES is expected to be initialized in the program folder so it find the "powervr.ini" file that tell GLES Stack to use Flip and not Blit for the SwapBuffer !

So, while I work (slowly I'm afraid) on a definitive fix, you can try a temporary workaround by putting that simple powervr.ini file in your Roms folder.

The powervr.ini is just:

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Nice find ptitSeb!

It seems I can't make this trick work though... I created a file called "powervr.ini" in the folder where I store my GBC roms, then launched the GBC emu. But when I loaded a rom, I still got the tearing. I tried to restart the game instead of resuming it: same result.

Then I realized my roms were zipped, so I suspected the emu was copying the rom into a temp folder, then loading it from there (and then not finding the ini file in this temp folder). So I unzipped my roms, and tried again. Unfortunately, it didn't work either. So I'm out of ideas! :)
Nice find ptitSeb!

It seems I can't make this trick work though... I created a file called "powervr.ini" in the folder where I store my GBC roms, then launched the GBC emu. But when I loaded a rom, I still got the tearing. I tried to restart the game instead of resuming it: same result.

Then I realized my roms were zipped, so I suspected the emu was copying the rom into a temp folder, then loading it from there (and then not finding the ini file in this temp folder). So I unzipped my roms, and tried again. Unfortunately, it didn't work either. So I'm out of ideas! :)
You have put the content "[default]" in the file right? The zipped rom shouldn't have any impact on this, it's just the folder location at the start that is important. So the powervr.ini should reside in the same folder where you are when you press "Load a Rom".
Well, yes, I checked again, and I have this file located in the proper folder. And the file contains the text you indicated. I even deleted the config file again, to be sure it was not due to an issue with my SGX drivers: when I delete the config file, the tearing disappears during the first launch, as expected. But next launch, the tearing is there, despite the presence of the ini file.

I'm puzzled why it works for you and not for me...
Well, yes, I checked again, and I have this file located in the proper folder. And the file contains the text you indicated. I even deleted the config file again, to be sure it was not due to an issue with my SGX drivers: when I delete the config file, the tearing disappears during the first launch, as expected. But next launch, the tearing is there, despite the presence of the ini file.

I'm puzzled why it works for you and not for me...
Hum, strange. I'll check again on my system later.

Jut in case, here is a copy of the file I used (had to zip it because ".ini" are not safe attachments !)


Thank you ptitSeb, your file worked!! I think it was because I had created the file under Windows, and the line feed between the 2 lines may have caused an issue (just a guess). At least now it works fine, you're a champ! Thank you!
Thank you ptitSeb, your file worked!! I think it was because I had created the file under Windows, and the line feed between the 2 lines may have caused an issue (just a guess). At least now it works fine, you're a champ! Thank you!
Yes, the Windows cr/lf is probably the cause (from a pandora's terminal, you can still use "dos2unix powervr.ini" to fix it ;) ).

Glad it works. I'll work on a proprer fix later.
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Thanks a lot for that fix Seb. Just tried it with Dixie Kong's Double Trouble as the tearing was really obvious on that game, and it's now working perfect. Cheers.

It doesn't seem the CRT, CRT 2x, and CRT Mask overlay effects have any effect in Neo Emu Alpha.  These overlays work nicely in GBA Emu Ex Aplha though.
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It doesn't seem the CRT, CRT 2x, and CRT Mask overlay effects have any effect in Neo Emu Alpha.  These overlays work nicely in GBA Emu Ex Aplha though.
Strange. They all share the same code. Will look at that, but maybe it's due to the resolution of emulated system vs screen of the pandora.
Ok, fixed PND on the repo...

Build 09


  • In sync with official v1.5.15 version
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