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Just curious, how come this game needs to run thru Qmu? Why can't it be implemented the way Freespace games ptitSeb and others have done?
The code was opensource'd for Freespace / Freespace 2 and was ported natively to the Pandora. Dungeon Keeper Gold is an old DOS game and the code was never released.. This uses Qemu and freedos, I assume DOSBOX could work as well if configured properly.Just curious, how come this game needs to run thru Qmu? Why can't it be implemented the way Freespace games ptitSeb and others have done?
Ah! Thanks!The code was opensource'd for Freespace / Freespace 2 and was ported natively to the Pandora. Dungeon Keeper Gold is an old DOS game and the code was never released.. This uses Qemu and freedos, I assume DOSBOX could work as well if configured properly.Just curious, how come this game needs to run thru Qmu? Why can't it be implemented the way Freespace games ptitSeb and others have done?
[citation needed]I never tested Dosbox with it on the Pandora but most People say that this is
one of the Games who runs better in Qemu than Dosbox![]()
Dont understand this,is this anything ironic or so?[citation needed]I never tested Dosbox with it on the Pandora but most People say that this is
one of the Games who runs better in Qemu than Dosbox![]()
- Neelix
from here: http://boards.openpandora.org/topic/16083-dungeon-keeper-on-qmenu/?p=329080/URL]I have it (classic dos version with CD image) running under Dosbox, but it runs too slowly, even on 900Mhz. The Pandora doesn't have enough power to emulate 486/586 systems properly.
from here: from here: http://boards.openpandora.org/topic/12445-whatever-happened-to-dosbox-for-pandora/?p=234071/URL]I have/had no idea about that ^^
All I can tell you is that the games that I m running within qemu are way more playable / experienced faster compared to the DosBox installations of the games.
As I have written above .. maybe that has to do something with the lack of knowledge how to set up DosBOX in Detail.
EDIT : Did you ever manage to get Dungeon Keeper running within DosBox at a satisfiable framerate yet ? cO