Duke Nukem Forever? Not anymore!

This is horrible. 3D Realms always seemed to have a great team spirit and was not one of those bigass companies which made games for profit only.
I hope that most devs can join another companys so they can finish the game.
agreed. 3d realms seemed like a company that would be fun to work at. And it would have been great to see duke nukem forever happen. Eventually. Just like the pandora.
I think, if no studio picks up Duke, we should celebrate "Always bet on Duke"-day on May 6th. Something along the lines of Towel Day.
This is pretty bad. Though I am more a fan of their earlier games, back when they were still called Apogee. "Apogee" was the seal of quality back in the DOS days. I always thought it was a shame that they decided to completely change direction and go with the FPS trend, rejecting everything that they did so well before that (they were very good at the FPS thing too, but still).

Their last success was the 2006 game "Prey", which was handed to another development company to finish, after a decade of 3D Realms not being able to get its act together.

I found this ironic quote from a May 1 article:
All game developers are constrained by time, energy and budgets - 3D Realms being the odd exception.

Apparently, even their webmaster had no idea of the dire situation even the day before the shutdown.
jmetal88 said:
You sure they shut down? From the look of this they may have just decided to go with Apogee again:

That just looks like the legacy site for their old games. Latest news is from March, and no mention of DNF anywhere (the product they are working on is Duke Nukem for portables). Check their Company History page, 3D Realms was a separate division, also their latest tweet:
http://www.apogeesoftware.com/company-i ... ny-history

Apogee Software is officially not affected by the situation at 3DRealms. Development of the Duke Nukem Trilogy is continuing as planned ... 1 day ago
What the fuck. :( They were an exemplary developer, releasing their oldest games for free and continuing to sell their other old games. Very sad to see them go. I wonder what the hell went wrong.
How about not releasing or finishing a single title for years?
I guess publishers didn't like the current state of DNF - otherwise they would have rescued the company already
I guess the economy has gotten so bad that a company that has been developing a game for over a decade can't be supported anymore :(
This is a slap in the face to every drunken procrastinator that there is, to every hungover dreamer and obscenely optimistic codehead and gamehead alike :|