Ds Homebrew...


aka kapakux89
Sep 29, 2006
Kent, England
iv owned a ds lite for about 10 months (i got it in the 1st week of release) and iv never rlly noticed the homebrew scene, but since reading about the gbax 2007 coding comp i fort id do some research in to it and it looks pretty good.

anyone have an opinion?


EDIT: This it what i was thinking about getting
How is the homebrew compatibility on the R4? I've heard conflicting reports on that. Last time I checked (which was a while ago, I admit) only some of the 'brew worked without any problems.
nem said:
How is the homebrew compatibility on the R4? I've heard conflicting reports on that. Last time I checked (which was a while ago, I admit) only some of the 'brew worked without any problems.
terrible, since it's a slot 1 card the support is bad (all slot one cards seem to have bad brew support)
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Most older stuff doesn't work. I'd be surprised if new programs didn't with DLDI now available. And there are patches for some things I've read (I have a SuperCard SD, but I wouldn't want to buy a SLOT-2 cart now, back when I bought it you couldn't get anything else).
Orkie said:
Most older stuff doesn't work. I'd be surprised if new programs didn't with DLDI now available. And there are patches for some things I've read (I have a SuperCard SD, but I wouldn't want to buy a SLOT-2 cart now, back when I bought it you couldn't get anything else).
I think that was what I meant to say I haven't gotten any sleep for a long while and I am feeling odd..
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Get a supercard lite I got mine from there and homebrew's near perfect, plus it's only £23.

Or if you don't have a DS lite, then get this which is just as good and even cheaper (£18)
Nova said:
Get a supercard lite I got mine from there and homebrew's near perfect, plus it's only £23.

Or if you don't have a DS lite, then get this which is just as good and even cheaper (£18)

I'm thinking of getting the SC Lite. Do you notice the MicroSD card slot getting lose or anything? I've just heard from a couple members at GBATemp that they got some bad ones where it's falling apart in that area. I just wanna make sure that if you get a bad one it's bad and if you get a good one it's good.
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purple_goat said:
nem said:
How is the homebrew compatibility on the R4? I've heard conflicting reports on that. Last time I checked (which was a while ago, I admit) only some of the 'brew worked without any problems.
terrible, since it's a slot 1 card the support is bad (all slot one cards seem to have bad brew support)

The current version of DSQuake doesn't work :( That's reason enough to get a GBA-based one.
Thanks god I have an EZ4 dx with my M3 Simply :)
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making this choice hurts my head (as i no nothing about what im doing)

if i got a DS-X then later got a slot 2 device for xtra storage could i use the Ds-X as a passme?

EDIT: Typos
If you are going to do that, get an R4 and use it as a PassMe to boot from your SLOT-2. The DS-X only has a limited amount of storage built in, whereas the R4 takes MicroSD and is cheaper. That way, you get a good SLOT-1 solution for running some homebrew and everything else and with a SLOT-2 device as well, you can run all homebrew and a lot of GBA stuff (SuperCard is good for DS Linux as it has extra memory, but some GBA things run too slowly with it, I don't know about the M3).
Orkie said:
If you are going to do that, get an R4 and use it as a PassMe to boot from your SLOT-2. The DS-X only has a limited amount of storage built in, whereas the R4 takes MicroSD and is cheaper. That way, you get a good SLOT-1 solution for running some homebrew and everything else and with a SLOT-2 device as well, you can run all homebrew and a lot of GBA stuff (SuperCard is good for DS Linux as it has extra memory, but some GBA things run too slowly with it, I don't know about the M3).
the reason im keen on the DS-X is that im constantly loosing microSD cards i lost my last one a few days ago, its sumwhere in the house but i hav no idea where lol, im still uncertain as to what to buy atm but it'll probly be what been suggested:

R4 + Supercard lite

btw what is DS Linux like?

thanx for your help

EDIT: + the DS-X has rlly cool L.E.D's in the back lol
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It's quite good, but I've only ever used it to play around on, though you can run a web browser on it I believe (there is also one in DS Organize now however).
i have been looking at buying a supercard for my ds but i cant figure out wether i need a passcard for this :blink:
does anyone have one or does anyone know if i need one?

thanx anyway

btw: i will be using it for play ds games on it mostly
tim0391 said:
i have been looking at buying a supercard for my ds but i cant figure out wether i need a passcard for this :blink:
does anyone have one or does anyone know if i need one?

Ya, you'll need a passkey for that card (or you'll have to flash your DS firmware) - and it will stick out of the bottom of your DS...

If you want the flexibility to play both DS and GBA roms, and you don't want the Super Card to stick out the bottom of your DSLite, I'd recommend this:


or this (which I use, personally)


Otherwise, if you're just looking at DS games, go for a slot one device...
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If you are mostly into DS homebrew then I would recommend the R4DS. The card has great compatibility, cheat function, and uses micro sd.

The Supercard SD isn't a bad solution, you'll just need a passkey and SD card then you are set. :)