DS emulator.

hansfranz said:
Xian Long said:
even accepting money for donations is dangerous. look what happened to no$gba...

what häppent?


Wow... I remember using NO$GMB back in the day. I remember with the sound turned off, I could play GB games at 100%ish speed on my 386DX2... most of my early game playing was Gameboy... BTW... I can't wait for the next version of lemonboy2x, because the creator mentioned something about Super Gameboy support. Yay!
DSONPSP Beta 4 is running some games at 15+ fps. I really h8 it when people are so negative ^_^
izackrp said:
DSONPSP Beta 4 is running some games at 15+ fps. I really h8 it when people are so negative ^_^

Please, managing to hit 15fps at some point but typically running at like 5 does not qualify your statement.
I hate it when people say it is impossible to do something. Most of the time someone says that it ends up happening. An example is when PCSX 2 was early in development the developers said it would be impossible to get the games to run at playable speeds unless you have an extremly fast computer that didn't exist at the time but now they can. I also mentioned that a multiprocessor system could really increase the speed of the games and they said it wouldn't make a difference but now it does.

Right now the ds emulator for the psp may only do 5 fps and sometimes up to 15 but it is still fairly early in development. From my experience in the development of emulators it usually starts out slow and gets much more optimized as it gets more refined. I think that eventually the games will run at decent speeds and unless I'm mistaken they should run even better on the Pandora since it is a much more powerful system.

PS. I want a DS Emulator because I already wasted my money on a DS before and found out I didn't like the games and sold it. Now there seems like there are some games I might like but I don't really feel like wasting my money again just to be dissapointed again.
guenthar said:
Right now the ds emulator for the psp may only do 5 fps and sometimes up to 15 but it is still fairly early in development. From my experience in the development of emulators it usually starts out slow and gets much more optimized as it gets more refined. I think that eventually the games will run at decent speeds and unless I'm mistaken they should run even better on the Pandora since it is a much more powerful system.
That's bullshit. This DS emulator will never reach a point where you can play it in a decent speed on a PSP. You are making very wrong assumptions. For Pandora, I cannot say.
guenthar said:
I hate it when people say it is impossible to do something. Most of the time someone says that it ends up happening. An example is when PCSX 2 was early in development the developers said it would be impossible to get the games to run at playable speeds unless you have an extremly fast computer that didn't exist at the time but now they can. I also mentioned that a multiprocessor system could really increase the speed of the games and they said it wouldn't make a difference but now it does.

What bothers me is how often people use this argument to try to justify the feasibility of something. Some ignorant people are always around to say that something is impossible when it isn't, but that doesn't mean that anything is possible. Instead of just taking or rejecting this at face value you should learn to follow enough of what they're trying to say so you can judge for yourself whether or not they're making a good argument. Or at least look at what credentials that person has to try to determine how credible their opinion is. Of course, when PCSX2 developers said that it'd be impossible to get playable speeds for CPUs that existed back then they weren't wrong, and they probably meant that multiprocessor wouldn't have helped with they design they had at the time..

guenthar said:
Right now the ds emulator for the psp may only do 5 fps and sometimes up to 15 but it is still fairly early in development. From my experience in the development of emulators it usually starts out slow and gets much more optimized as it gets more refined. I think that eventually the games will run at decent speeds and unless I'm mistaken they should run even better on the Pandora since it is a much more powerful system.

Eh, you don't follow the development of emulators on PSP very much, do you? Most of them are very straightforward ports, the DesMuME ports are no exception. The person porting usually doesn't have a lot of gret ideas on how to optimize emulators, or they'd probably realize that the things they're porting are hopelessly slow by design and would be doing a new one. Only no one would feel like doing an NDS emulator from scratch just for PSP because anyone who is capable of writing a highly optimized DS emulator would also know that PSP isn't up to snuff.

There are exceptions, but by and large those weren't ports to begin with. Most people who port emulators don't turn around and make them 3x faster in time.
Fun thread this was huh >_> I think I started seriously working on DraStic around October 2009 but you can tell I was thinking about DS emulation on Pandora in those earlier posts.

And wow, it's embarrassing reading your old posts. If I wrote something like that now I'd probably read it over and edit it down a few times to make it less confrontational and wouldn't have carried it on so long :/ No wonder that guy got pissed off. I hope I don't come off that ornery now...

Since then I can think of a few that got recompilers or new recompiler targets..

But the single best example of an open source emulator that was ported and optimized piecemeal into something much faster is PCSX-reARMed.

Optimization efforts on DeSmuME never got that far though ;)
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