Ds And Psp


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
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Hiya all,

Well... I've been on holiday in the stated for the last two weeks, and while I was there, I went a bit gadget crazy. Ended up buying a DS on the spur of the moment, and gotta say, it's a great little piece of kit. I bought it with Mario 64, and it came with the Metroid demo.

Problem is, my impulse buying mechenism got the better of me, and I bought a bloody PSp on preorder too! Got someone else bringing it back for me in a few weeks (they're picking it up on the 24th).

Probably gonna sell the DS, not because it's bad, just cos I'm likely to be using the PSP more after seeing one on demo and being well-impressed by it, so it seems stupid buying games for the DS when the PSp one look so much prettier :P Gonna see if its a case of form over funtion before making hthe final decision though!

Ah well... Probably going to order Wipeout Pure for the PSP, as I have LOADS of good wipeout memories from Uni...!

And before anyone asks, my GP DID come with me, and got plenty of use too ;)
while we're on the subject, does anyone know the best way to buy a PSP from japan

i was gonan go with amzon JP but theyve run out

i was hoping to skip out the middleman (it would have only been about £120 shipped from amazon)

so even if i get hit by taxes itll be around £160
Don't yahoo JAP have a store?

Oh and don't get a value pack, I don't even know why they include the word value.
i'm currently going with this seller on ebay:

Sound Bay

Pretty much the cheapest around, price keeps getting lower and feedback shows that he's sold a lot of these with good service etc.

hadn't thought of amazon japan though, is there any form of trickery that needs to be done to get it shipped here?

EDIT: He/She is currently out of PSPs, constantly posting new ones though.
mattmagoo posted on Mar 20 2005 at 07:31 PM said:
while we're on the subject, does anyone know the best way to buy a PSP from japan

i was gonan go with amzon JP but theyve run out

i was hoping to skip out the middleman (it would have only been about £120 shipped from amazon)

so even if i get hit by taxes itll be around £160

I didn't think Amazon shipped internationally?

Anyway, I would go with eBay....or Lik-Sang seem pretty cheap right now (though I've never orderd from them). I hear some of their stuff gets shipped from inside the EU (even though it doesnt say it on the website)...so you might avoid tax with them. But I dont know.
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Yeah i think theres a british based lik-sang. Not sure what the link is but you can google it.
Axeman - welcome to the "Got Both" club. IMO, you should hold onto both, unless you need the money... there will be some great exclusives on the DS down the line... I haven't touched my DS in like two months, but play the PSP every day, but I wont sell the DS... looking forward greatly to Mario Kart, Castlevania (DROOL!!!), Animal Crossing (to play with my wife), and Metroid.
i want to get a psp as well,but i was wondering if it's better to wait for an american model or are the ones you get at lik sang fine,as in faults etc.
are the ones form lik sang the latest build or still old ones form japan?that's my only problem.also,is japan the same region as europe or america for movies?
Same region as Europe.

Axeman - welcome to the "Got Both" club. IMO, you should hold onto both, unless you need the money... there will be some great exclusives on the DS down the line... I haven't touched my DS in like two months, but play the PSP every day, but I wont sell the DS... looking forward greatly to Mario Kart, Castlevania (DROOL!!!), Animal Crossing (to play with my wife), and Metroid.
Yeah - I may just do that. I must admit - I really like the demo of Metroid, and so lets wait and see :)
the only downside of Metroid Hunters, IMO, is that it is supposedly going to be much more focused on multiplayer deathmatching, and wont have a 'proper' single player game... this is straight from the horses mouth, mind you, not a rumor from any magazine/website.

On the upside of that though, is that Retro Studios have stated they are VERY interested in doing a full Metroid Prime style game for the DS later on.