Hiya all,
Well... I've been on holiday in the stated for the last two weeks, and while I was there, I went a bit gadget crazy. Ended up buying a DS on the spur of the moment, and gotta say, it's a great little piece of kit. I bought it with Mario 64, and it came with the Metroid demo.
Problem is, my impulse buying mechenism got the better of me, and I bought a bloody PSp on preorder too! Got someone else bringing it back for me in a few weeks (they're picking it up on the 24th).
Probably gonna sell the DS, not because it's bad, just cos I'm likely to be using the PSP more after seeing one on demo and being well-impressed by it, so it seems stupid buying games for the DS when the PSp one look so much prettier
Gonna see if its a case of form over funtion before making hthe final decision though!
Ah well... Probably going to order Wipeout Pure for the PSP, as I have LOADS of good wipeout memories from Uni...!
And before anyone asks, my GP DID come with me, and got plenty of use too
Well... I've been on holiday in the stated for the last two weeks, and while I was there, I went a bit gadget crazy. Ended up buying a DS on the spur of the moment, and gotta say, it's a great little piece of kit. I bought it with Mario 64, and it came with the Metroid demo.
Problem is, my impulse buying mechenism got the better of me, and I bought a bloody PSp on preorder too! Got someone else bringing it back for me in a few weeks (they're picking it up on the 24th).
Probably gonna sell the DS, not because it's bad, just cos I'm likely to be using the PSP more after seeing one on demo and being well-impressed by it, so it seems stupid buying games for the DS when the PSp one look so much prettier
Ah well... Probably going to order Wipeout Pure for the PSP, as I have LOADS of good wipeout memories from Uni...!
And before anyone asks, my GP DID come with me, and got plenty of use too