Drama End


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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Basically the only two people I've put on probation on this forum have had their friends make threads trying to give me a bad name and try to "save" their friend's lives. It's only ever five days max and I will always give warning. Basically if I or any of the moderators ban a user or put him on probation we do it for the well being of the rest of the forums, we want the forums to stay like they were at the beginning where an annoying person or troll was warned (and potentially banned) quickly so that the rest of the members could enjoy themselves.

If you psot a thread trying to save your stupid friend you will be banned. Feel free to PM me or other moderators (don't rat each other out and try to turn us against each other). I'm sure almost all of you wil agree that this drama is boring and needs to end.

Thanks a lot

I would like to be banded.

But shouldn't this thread be closed? Otherwise we'll all start slagging off the foul mouthed scamp from across the pond...
lubidog posted on Dec 15 2005 at 10:27 PM said:
I would like to be banded.

But shouldn't this thread be closed? Otherwise we'll all start slagging off the foul mouthed scamp from across the pond...
No I want to hear what you think about it.
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rabbits with hats posted on Dec 15 2005 at 10:43 PM said:
If I said kknd_cf sucks would I be put on probation? Not that I would do that.
Yes, if you insult any member in a dumb way then yes. You can tell people they're wrong. You all know what trolling is, don't do it.
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