DragonBox Coding Competition - The results!


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Coding Competition.

I hope you had as much fun as the users who tried out your stuff. There have been A LOT of awesome releases, judgement wasn't easy.

If you didn't manage to finish your entry in time - don't worry. As the competition was so awesome, I am currently planning to make an ongoing competition with deadlines each 3 months... so you can always win some nice prizes :)

But that's the future - let's check the current prizes.

As you know, there has been a public voting and a voting by a special jury.

The result of each entry has been converted into a % of the maximum vote and the final results of the jury and the public voting has been combined, with a weight of 40 (jury) to 60 (public).

Ported Games

1. DukeNukem 3D (EDuke32)

by mcobit

The prize:

A 250 EUR voucher for www.dragonbox.de

+ 2 EUR voucher (community donated)

2. Stratagus

by canseco

The prize:

A 150 EUR voucher for www.dragonbox.de

+ 2 EUR voucher (community donated)

3. Widelands

by canseco

The prize:

A 64GB SDHC Card for www.dragonbox.de + 50 EUR voucher

+ 2 EUR voucher (community donated)

4. Xlogical

5. PanLink

Original Games

1. AquaVenture

by iprice

The prize:

A 250 EUR voucher for www.dragonbox.de

+ 2 EUR voucher (community donated)

2. Pandora Microbes!

by _wb_

The prize:

A 150 EUR voucher for www.dragonbox.de

+ 2 EUR voucher (community donated)

3. Puzzletube

by ZIZ

The prize:

A 64GB SDHC Card for www.dragonbox.de + 50 EUR voucher

+ 2 EUR voucher (community donated)

4. Frootopia

5. HexGEM

6. Earth Invasion

7. Muon

8. EfC - Escape from Castle

9. EvalMaster

10. Number Mind

11. Chav Fighter


1. DraStic

by Exophase

The prize:

A 250 EUR voucher for www.dragonbox.de

+ 9 EUR voucher (community donated)

2. 8Blitter

by Lordus

The prize:

A 150 EUR voucher for www.dragonbox.de

+ 9 EUR voucher (community donated)

3. apkenv & apkenv.ui

by crow_riot, thp

The prize:

A 64GB SDHC Card for www.dragonbox.de + 50 EUR voucher

+ 9 EUR voucher (community donated)


5. arcem


1. LibreOffice

by p'titSeb

The prize:

A 250 EUR voucher for www.dragonbox.de

+ 9 EUR voucher (community donated)

2. Code::Blocks and CommandLine Compile Everything

by p'titSeb

The prize:

A 150 EUR voucher for www.dragonbox.de

+ 9 EUR voucher (community donated)


by Linux-SWAT

The prize:

A 64GB SDHC Card for www.dragonbox.de + 50 EUR voucher

+ 9 EUR voucher (community donated)

4. RISC OS on the Pandora

5. Gmu Music Player 0.9.0

6. PLUM (DLNA / UPnP client)

7. Claws Mail

8. Imagination

9. psp-maps

10. Xplanet with custom frontend

11. EasyTag

12. Cz

Congratulations to all the winners! I'll contact you soon to get you your prize!

In case you're interested, here are the results of the community votes and jury votes:

Original Games

Community results:

1. AquaVenture

2. Pandora Microbes

3. Puzzletube

4. Earth Invasion

5. Frootopia

6. HexGEM

7. Muon

8. EfC - Escape from Castle

9. Chav Fighter

10. EvalMaster

11. Number Mind

Jury results:

1. AquaVenture

2. Pandora Microbes!

3. Puzzletube

4. HexGEM

5. Frootopia

6. EfC - Escape from Castle

7. Earth Invasion

8. Muon

9. EvalMaster

10. Number Mind

11. Chav Fighter

Ported Games

Community results:

1. DukeNukem 3D (EDuke32)

2. Stratagus

3. Widelands

4. PanLink

5. Xlogical

Jury results:

1. DukeNukem 3D (EDuke32)

2. Stratagus

3. Widelands

4. Xlogical

5. PanLink


Community results:

1. DraStic


3. apkenv & apkenv.ui

4. 8Blitter

5. arcem

Jury results:

1. DraStic

2. 8Blitter

3. apkenv & apkenv.ui


5. arcem


Community results:

1. LibreOffice

2. Code::Blocks and CommandLine Compile Everything


4. RISC OS on the Pandora

5. Gmu Music Player 0.9.0

6. Claws Mail

7. PLUM (DLNA / UPnP client)

8. Imagination

9. Xplanet with custom frontend

10. psp-maps

11. EasyTag

12. Cz

Jury results:

1. LibreOffice


3. RISC OS on the Pandora

4. Code::Blocks and CommandLine Compile Everything

5. psp-maps

6. PLUM (DLNA / UPnP client)

7. Claws Mail

8. Imagination

9. Gmu Music Player 0.9.0

10. EasyTag

11. Xplanet with custom frontend

12. Cz

I'll post more updates about prizes and additional donated prize money tomorrow - but first, let me get some sleep (it's 6am here)

Congrats and thanks to everyone who participated :D
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Congratulations to all the winners! And many thanks to all the participants!

The jury and the community votes seem to agree mostly, which is a good thing. The only category where the jury made a difference in the top-3 is Emulators, but there it was essentially a 3-way tie for the 2nd place anyway. So bad luck for PPSSPP to end up on spot 4, but then again, p'titSeb will get his share of the prizes in the other categories ;)

An ongoing compo with deadlines every 3 months could be a good idea, the only potential issue is that the "deadline effect" is probably less effective if you only need to wait 3 months for the next deadline...
Good results.

@ _wb_

I don't think there should be a deadline effect.

It's meant to make more people coding stuff as they can win prices an of course to give everyone who invests time and helps the Pandora something back.

I don't think anyone cares about deadlines.

Thankyou ED for organizing such a great competition and a massive thankyou to everyone that voted for AquaVenture. I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it.

Well done to everyone else that made it into the competition too - I'm really glad i wasn't a judge. :D

Thankyou :)
Thanks for organizing this and espacially thanks to all participants! :)

You all brought a lot of great software to the pandora!
A big thank you to all the voters, the jury and ED!
Hope you enjoy the entries as much as I do.
Well done to all participants, and congratulations to the winners
Here's the results on Pandoralive.info along with my comments on the subject :)


Awesome work from ALL the coders !

Im still busy with testing all the releases out (due to the lack of time =P)

And great job organizing such a nice competition @ ED

Keep up the good work ALL !
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Thank you to all the voters and jury :) !

About LibreOffice, I still work on it, but the Spellchecking keeps Segfaulting, so more work for me.

And a new code::blocks will come, with Hardware accelerated libs !
Congratulations to all entrants!

You got a project from start to finish in a very short time frame, this is impressive and you should be proud, independent on your scoring in the competition!
cool, third place. more than happy with that! thanks for the votes and grats to all the competitors :)
Congrats everyone... :)   I have finished Aquaventure and had good fun with it, clever game.

I will enjoy working through the new Microbes levels at my leisure... :)
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Congratulations & many thanks to the devs / porters.  :)

Thanks to ED as well for another great competition.  :)
Congrats to the winners and thanks to all voters and jury.

My port didn't received much love...but i know there are big and better programs (than mine) in application category :)