Official Rules and Guidelines

yeah it's somehow like GINGE (just not that universal) - and ginge is not a gp2x emulator :)
I'd say "application", just like PNDManager is not a PND emulator and slackware for Pandora is not a slackware emulator. But I agree that the distinction is subtle and I would certainly not object if you would submit it to the "emulator" category.

The OpenGL library is an even harder thing to classify: you could say it's not a valid entry because it's a library, not something you can run by itself. Or you could say it belongs in the application category, because it can be used for arbitrary OpenGL applications (both games and non-games). Or you could say it's a kind of OpenGL emulator. Or you could say it's something that makes it easier to port games, so it belongs in the "ported game" category (perhaps bundled with some previously unported openGL games).
Heck that is great stuff!

Not that I have enough knowledge to get what is going on deeper.

Can you do it the other way around too? like from the pandora to a pc(linux)?

Really impressive! Congrats!

I must say double congrats couse you used the secret standard of indies and filmed things over a blanket/curtains!

I have to pm you a few stuff...
You mean booting the OP with a PC server ?

Don't really know.
apkenv is technically not an emulator, but it acts as an emulator, so like ginge it belongs in the emulators section of the menu and the competition.

The GL library belongs in the application section, given that we don't have a library section.  I don't know if lunixbochs wants to enter it, or not.
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I might actually get to make something for this compo in the end, so quick question:

Is there a download pack with the compo logos in? I see Freamon has a slightly different shaped one from the square one on the forum. Are they both "official"? Are there others? Resolutions, transparencies etc.?
$ locate zoneinfo/ | grep -i europe
$ TZ=Europe/Berlin date -d 'feb 15 11:59pm UTC'
Sat Feb 16 00:59:00 CET 2013
Ain't I a helpful bastard?  ;)

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The competition will end on February 15th, 11:59pm, UST, so use the upcoming holidays to code, code and code :D/>

You can either upload your entry whereever you like and send us a link afterwards or use our own FTP Server.

We will give you details about the eMail and FTP Server end of January in this thread.
Hi - have details about the FTP server been released yet? I'd like to create an archive with builds for Pandora and PC, plus source code (not just a PND, in other words). It's no problem if it's not been set up though, I can just upload to MediaFire or something.
Well, my compo attempt is over. I'm not going to have any time now before the end of the compo. :(   Damn real life
You can either upload your entry whereever you like and send us a link afterwards or use our own FTP Server.
We will give you details about the eMail and FTP Server end of January in this thread.
Have I missed these details?
Have the judges been decided yet?
Is there a deadline for the judging?
Am I going to finish in time? :/
Does anybody other than the participants actually care about this competition? :(
My time ran out too :-(

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to release when it's ready (my effort is pretty crap's just taking months/years)
I'll update everything today.

Had a tax inquiry started yesterday which needed a lot of time for preparing...
Please have a look into my pm, 3 weeks ago, i have spent some money and not seen updating price money.
wat bash -c  'echo $[`date -d 11:59pm\ GMT +%s` - `date +%s`]'

echo $[`date -d 11:59pm\ GMT +%s` - `date +%s`]