Dosbox For Gp2x Available

I finally got Tyrian2000 to run. Simply download it from any abandonware site and use it with my (kinda sucking) config. My config assumes that dosbox is in /mnt/sd/EmusInterpreters and Tyrian 2000 in an subdirectory called "Tyrian".

When you turn detail level to "low" and speed to "turbo", it's almost playable....

Get it here:,0,0,0,5,1281
Hanz™ posted on Feb 18 2006 at 04:22 PM said:
WhiteFalcon posted on Feb 18 2006 at 02:59 PM said:
Of course not, even CGA games are pretty slow and VGA games are slower. But its sort of playable.
And no sound. ; )

Not true, so far I have tried PC Speaker and Adlib and both worked, though with strong stuttering.
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WhiteFalcon posted on Feb 18 2006 at 04:22 PM said:
Hanz™ posted on Feb 18 2006 at 04:22 PM said:
WhiteFalcon posted on Feb 18 2006 at 02:59 PM said:
Of course not, even CGA games are pretty slow and VGA games are slower. But its sort of playable.
And no sound. ; )

Not true, so far I have tried PC Speaker and Adlib and both worked, though with strong stuttering.
Uh, I am kind of annoyed I can't get it too work.
I have dosbox in root, with a folder breakout inside.
I extracted blockout into dosbox/blockout/

But it just gives me a black screen.
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I cant see what the problem is. Be sure to copy all the files directly in the blockout folder and that the exe file is called "bl.exe". Execute the GPE and wait, it takes a while.
WhiteFalcon posted on Feb 18 2006 at 05:07 PM said:
I cant see what the problem is. Be sure to copy all the files directly in the blockout folder and that the exe file is called "bl.exe". Execute the GPE and wait, it takes a while.
Just freezes for me. :P
It worked one time! But I wasn't paying attention pressed loads of buttons and it froze on me. :lol:
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same for me, it just freezes, i also tried to remove the bl.exe line in config file, but i get no dos prompt or anything better
btw, i got last firmware
This is great. I just read on bjimba`s blog that he ported DosBox to play BlockOut... god thanks no one told hime there is a nice Genesis version! :D
WhiteFalcon posted on Feb 18 2006 at 06:15 PM said:
Well I am keeping fw 1.2.0 which might have to do with that.
Hm. It could be that, I am on 1.4.
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i know this can be figured out by carefully reading everything, but i wanted a quick reference to make life easier, so i'll post it here as well.

gp2x button = defaults = key code

stick N    = a = 97
stick NW   = b = 98
stick W    = c = 99
stick SW   = d = 100
stick S    = e = 101
stick SE   = f = 102
stick E    = g = 103
stick NE   = h = 104
start      = i = 105
select     = j = 106
L          = k = 107
R          = l = 108
A          = m = 109
B          = n = 110
Y          = o = 111
X          = p = 112
vol+       = q = 113
vol-       = r = 114 
stick in   = s = 115
I dont understand, i wait 5 minutes, and still nothing, do i have to wait more?
here's a little console output :
bash-2.05a# cd /mnt/sd/dosbox/blockout/
bash-2.05a# ls
README.gp2x   blscore.dat   fonts_m.lbm   mapper.txt    title_h.lbm
bl.exe        blscore.idx   graftabl.cga  panel_h.lbm   title_l.lbm
bl2.ovl       dosbox.conf   logo_h.lbm    panel_l.lbm   title_m.lbm
blockout.gpe  fonts_h.lbm   logo_l.lbm    panel_m.lbm   version.bat
blockout.set  fonts_l.lbm   logo_m.lbm
bash-2.05a# ./blockout.gpe
CONFIG:Loading settings from config file /mnt/sd/dosbox/blockout/dosbox.conf
Hanz™ posted on Feb 18 2006 at 01:23 PM said:
Hm. It could be that, I am on 1.4.

Could be. My GP2X is still on its original firmware, the initial release one. I have yet to flash it.

I wonder if Squidge has made any progress with a GP2X emulator. It would be nice to be able to test an app with multiple configurations.

Have you tried capturing the stdout and stderr of dosbox and see if it says anything useful? Something like this in the .gpe file?

${DIRROOT}/dosbox -conf ${DIRGAME}/dosbox.conf >${DIRGAME}/dosbox.output 2>&1

Of course, if yours ends up looking like lothei's, it won't help much. I knew I should have left my debugging messages in. I can recompile with the messages intact (and maybe add a few more) to get a better idea of where it's dying on your box.
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bjimba posted on Feb 18 2006 at 05:28 AM said:
TKF15H posted on Feb 17 2006 at 11:10 PM said:
Tried OneMustFall, then I edited the autoexec figuring I'd end up in a command prompt if it didn't run the game. Either way, it just dies. Is it supposed to show anything before it executes the actual game?
Did I do something silly? >_<

No, that's exactly what you're supposed to do. If I can get hold of a copy of it, I'll give it a try here. It's a bit easier to debug when I can get a bash shell running at the same time (thanks to gfoot).

I expect the initial stabs at getting various DOS games working will be, erm, a bit rocky. So far, I've only tried two on the GP2X -- Blockout and Popcorn (a French public domain Arkanoid clone). But I've pulled out all my old 5-1/4 floppies to see what other tidbits I can find. I really want to see if I can get an interpreted GWBASIC/BASICA game to work. (You thought I was kidding in the Topic Title about DONKEY.BAS? Think again...)

This absolutely fantastic (sorry, but it's the truth) game is has been released as freeware as promotion for the (not so good) OMF:BG, so you can download it from a lot of places. Here's the first site if found
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One must fall is a classic game. Too hard for me though. Raven or whatever his name was always beat the shit out of me in the shareware copy.
I've managed to speed up DosBox a bit. Change/Add the following things in dosbox.conf:



Try it and tell me if it works for you. Thanks
Hanz™ posted on Feb 21 2006 at 08:35 PM said:
One must fall is a classic game. Too hard for me though. Raven or whatever his name was always beat the shit out of me in the shareware copy.
Allways considered Metal&Lace better. B)
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