Caanoo / WIZ Dosbox For Caanoo Request Poll

Would you be interested in DOSBox being ported to Caanoo?

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Still Fresh
Nov 1, 2010
I've seen at least a few posts of people saying that they wouldn't like DOSBox for Caanoo on the basis that it wouldn't be powerful enough and could only emulate a low 386 machine. What do you guys think? I personally do have some old text graphic DOS games that would be awesome on the Caanoo. Is anyone aware of any effort to port DOSBox to Caanoo? I think Pickle is responsible for the Wiz port. Has anyone contacted him?
SiRTHUNDER516 said:
I've seen at least a few posts of people saying that they wouldn't like DOSBox for Caanoo on the basis that it wouldn't be powerful enough and could only emulate a low 386 machine. What do you guys think? I personally do have some old text graphic DOS games that would be awesome on the Caanoo. Is anyone aware of any effort to port DOSBox to Caanoo? I think Pickle is responsible for the Wiz port. Has anyone contacted him?

I mentioned it to him a few weeks ago. He's been very busy with lots of other projects.

So, no definite answer as to when or if we'll get it from him or anyone else.

I'm sure that just about everyone would love to see DOSBox for the Caanoo, its just a matter of time before someone has the free time to put into the port.
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ozzuneoj said:
I'm sure that just about everyone would love to see DOSBox for the Caanoo, its just a matter of time before someone has the free time to put into the port.

Yep, this. The Caanoo has only been out for a few months and already we have a ton of great content, so there's plenty to enjoy while we wait.
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I also would like to see someone making a working DOSBox Port for the Caanoo. When i think back in time , how much fun i had with my first PC, it was an 486 DX2/66 with incredible 8MB of Ram, i would like to see some of those older games running on my Caanoo. Even LHX Atatck Shopper should run fine. Only the lack of an real keyboard is one thing what would make it not so easy to play some of more complex games. Ah, what about Indianapolis 500, i think we could play it, also Gods, Speedball 2, and lots more stuff from the golden era. Maybe Ultima Underworld and Wing Commander would be playable ? A dream !
Someone make a port. The Caanoo does have the potential for it, i'm sure.
Sorry for bumping this topic ( I hope it's not too old ), but is there really no chance what so ever of getting dosbox on the caanoo?
I know it's very probable that the caanoo is not going to be officially supported anymore ( from what I've heard ), but that doesn't mean it doesn't desrve good software anymore. Dosbox would be an exellent addition.
no worry, gph isn't dead and they want to support their console.
the caanoo also isn't dead.
anyway i like to have dosbox on caanoo. is a lack from her release in aug on the last year
Heh, interesting, never really heard of any other DOS emulators other than Dosbox before...
Well, if this gets ported, any chance of getting some simple 2D games like Commander Keen, Dangerous Dave or Prince of Persia to work with decent framerate?
Actually speaking of Prince of Persia, the Amiga version seems pretty much identical with the DOS version, but it takes ages to start up on caanoo. DOS had a bunch of really, really awesome 2d titles. I know, because I grew up with them!
Luo=-_ said:
I believe the Patrick Alto's DSX86 is more interesting. The problem is that it does not release the source code...
Who knows!? ...if we do a campaign to raise funds for a good donation to Alto's project in exchange for the release of the code to port the software to Caanoo... :D


As the NDS also uses an ARM processor, it might be possible to port DSX86, but without source code, there is only little hope. And after all the complaining about the vice port here (though everybody had the ability to read about the wiz-version), I doubt any dev dares to make a port of dosbox, just to hear, how slow it is.
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I contacted with Patrick:
Can you port the DS2x86 emulator to Caanoo? And to make it as officially supported platform?
We are ready to donate the console for you.
This is his answer:
Thanks for your interest in DS2x86! The porting idea sounds interesting, looks like Caanoo has a pretty fast processor, and it is ARM9, which would be a much nicer processor to code for than the MIPS processor of the DSTwo.
I am just pretty busy at the moment with the DS2x86 port, and there are still some things I would like to work on with the original DSx86 before I would have time to work on a new port.
So, in short, I am interested in the idea, but I would probably not have time to start working on it this year, at least.
Can I contact you again if/when I will have time to start porting DS2x86 to it?
Together we can give the console for active developer.

Can you organize the reception of funds to buy the console (from Playasia, example)?
IF he will do a great emu not only a port for the caanoo, i will donate mine and buy another... but he want ot make some optimization to the code or only port? :ph34r:
Hahahoj said:
Thanks for your interest in DS2x86! The porting idea sounds interesting, looks like Caanoo has a pretty fast processor, and it is ARM9, which would be a much nicer processor to code for than the MIPS processor of the DSTwo.
I am just pretty busy at the moment with the DS2x86 port, and there are still some things I would like to work on with the original DSx86 before I would have time to work on a new port.
So, in short, I am interested in the idea, but I would probably not have time to start working on it this year, at least.
Can I contact you again if/when I will have time to start porting DS2x86 to it?
Together we can give the console for active developer.

BAFelton said:
Yep, I can start a "bounty topic" to gather money and send a Caanoo to Patrick.

Payments could be done with paypal.

What do you think ?

This is great news! GREAT NEWS! I donate too! :)

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What's up ?

Do I create a bounty topic or will you donate a Caanoo Kayuz ?

We can put all together for this ;) We need to be sure Patrick will work on it though.
no, it's better the bounty, i haven't a million of caanoos and i don't have a lot of money.. i will donate mine on other projects, for me more attractive