Hello, I contacted openpandorasales@gmail.com because I want to cancel my order, but no one has answered me yet. Can someone help me get in contact with them?
Hello, I contacted openpandorasales@gmail.com because I want to cancel my order, but no one has answered me yet. Can someone help me get in contact with them?
Hello, I contacted openpandorasales@gmail.com because I want to cancel my order, but no one has answered me yet. Can someone help me get in contact with them?
I apparently failed at the joke.
See, the original post was talking about relative "badness" of the artists themselves, adding both together as if "badness" was something quantifiable that could simply be added, subtracted, or multiplied.
I took a more literal stance on the term "combined" by suggesting that two completely different songs be played at the exact same time, thus combining the two musical works. This sounds terrible. I then went on to say that any two (or more) songs played at the same time sound terrible. I then reached the conclusion that the original statement, that of something being worse than two musical artists combined, was in fact a tautology, since the combining of music that I was doing always led to something that was necessarily worse than either artist separately.