Dont Want To Cancel And Need Moral Support!

Why cancel for one girl? The Pandora will bring you many girls! Then you can sort them and pick the best. Or multiple if that's your fancy. Anything is possible when you've got Pandora!
Sack the girl

or ask her if she is going to be yours if you make such a sacrifice

Think about it... There's only 4000 pandoras in the world .... How many girls?

You do the maths

good luck either way mate, if you pick the girl, make sure she knows of your sacrifice, and you should be in like flin
Pleng said:
disclaimer: I know very little about the band in question, I'm asking questions, trying to make as few assumptions as possible.

It's been 10 years since the band split up? Ask yourself a few questions. Are they actually any good anymore? A lot of these concerts will sell out simply because of the name. I seem to remember the name FNM when I was younger, and I seem to remember that they'd been around for a while even then. As people get old, they deteriorate, *especially* singers. I know some people who have been to re-union gigs and been severely disappointed. Not always the case, of course. And for some people it doesn't even really matter if the show is a poor one; they just want to be in the presence of their idols. So if that's you, then you can safely ignore anything I've just said!

As for a girl. Hmm. I found rock concerts great places to pick up girls, and great places to have a fling with a girl you quite fancy. But I don't think it's the best place to begin a relationship with somebody you wanna get serious with. If you get lucky it's likely because she's been worked up by seeing her idols and/or the amount of alcohol consumed, not because she's suddenly realized that you are they guy she adores.

Then of course, in a more jestful manner, you could look look at it as a numbers game. When you get your Pandora there'll be about 4000 of them in existence. There's a shed load more girls around than that :p

More seriously: Decide if you really want to see the band, ignoring the girl thing. If you do, go. If you don't, and the girl really does like you, you'll be able to find plenty of other reasons to spend, perhaps much more meaningful, time together.

shes already mine. they still rock
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I would have to agree with those who said go for it, but not for the girl, for Patton... ;)
The girl should not be dependent on going to the show (and probably isn't), however, Mike Patton will eventually (as much as it pains me to say it) die... when he does, I want to say I saw him live more than 2 times (which is my current number)...

They came to Israel last year, my wife wanted to go to Madonna, we went to Madonna (worst live show I have ever seen), they were at the same day. :(

The sacrifices you make for a wife... don't make them before you have to though... :)
You got the girl already? Sweet then! If it was me, I'd see if she 'really' liked them and wanted to go... Then consider maybe possibly potentially getting a refund on the pandora

if she ain't that into them, or would be happy seeing next band at another date, I would sack the band and just be shining of the fact you got the girl and forget about the band, as much as I liked them, not only would I be happy doing the dating thing, I'd be happy my pandora is still coming in a couple months too
good times
darien said:
Tripmonkey_uk said:
Go for the girl; If you blow chunks and she comes back, she's yours. But if you spew and she bolts, then it was never meant to be :)

Acknowledging this quote just to show you I know where it's from, and I think it's awesome.
..and I appreciate that ;)

I actually think b1llygo4t should stick with the Pandora over the concert and take the young lady for a meal but I just wanted to use that quote :D
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dude I'll give you moral support on cancelling

I'm canceling at the end of the month

new Aigo N700 looks like my most popular bet Cortex-A9, multi-touch, 3G, 4/16/32GB SSD, very long battery life and plays MKV512MB, Tegra 2 chip, with android 2.1 - okay its twice the price of pandora but it will be available in a months time to UK

other alternative is Copal NAZ-10, new mbook (but thats like $600)
WizardStan said:
Fishbong said:
Also, IMO Faith no more is worse than Genesis and Phil Collins combined
I'm pretty sure they would be pretty bad combined. I mean, none of their music seems to line up well. I just tried playing an assortment of songs overlaid on top of each other, and they're all terrible.
For comparison, I tried a half dozen other artists, and they're all the same!
Conclusion: music should not be combined. With possibly a few exceptions, it is always bad.
Hey Stan,

How old are you?

You realize that Phil Collins drummed for Genesis and sang from time to time?

He also was the only musician to play Live Aid London & New York. He drummed for Led Zeppelin at Live Aid.

Peace & Pandora,

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centus said:
I would have to agree with those who said go for it, but not for the girl, for Patton... ;)
The girl should not be dependent on going to the show (and probably isn't), however, Mike Patton will eventually (as much as it pains me to say it) die... when he does, I want to say I saw him live more than 2 times (which is my current number)...

They came to Israel last year, my wife wanted to go to Madonna, we went to Madonna (worst live show I have ever seen), they were at the same day. :(

The sacrifices you make for a wife... don't make them before you have to though... :)

lol i watched tomahawk get booed off stage at a tool concert, and missed peeping tom twice (saw the last 30 seconds of some encore song i have never heard before) because of an ex. needless to say i have a horrible track record. i am reconsidering going all together. $400 - 800 usd is a bit much for a concert. i wish i knew some fellow fnm fans that would carpool roadtrip with me. 4 people would cost about 100 bones each. stupid bus, its only a $25 concert

P.S. lol she is refusing to go with me because she doesnt want me to cancel my preorder. =/
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b1llygo4t said:
P.S. lol she is refusing to go with me because she doesnt want me to cancel my preorder. =/

True love :wub:
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b1llygo4t said:
P.S. lol she is refusing to go with me because she doesnt want me to cancel my preorder. =/
Be careful! She might swipe it and run off into the night.

That or she's totally awesome.
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b1llygo4t said:
P.S. lol she is refusing to go with me because she doesnt want me to cancel my preorder. =/

Hell! Marry her now! Does she have a sister? :p

Buy an engagement ring (with the money saved from not going to the concert). Send it to Craig and ask him to slip it into your Pandora box before shipping. Then get your girlfriend to unbox whilst you hold the camera. Youtube it!
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mali said:
b1llygo4t said:
P.S. lol she is refusing to go with me because she doesnt want me to cancel my preorder. =/

True love :wub:
Indeed, perhaps if she plays things right, she can fondle your nubs.

No, not those nubs, you pervs, the nubs on the Pandora, duh.
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Rockthesmurf said:
Get the Pandora, if you ordered one in the first place you are too geeky for her, it'll never work, cut your losses.


lol she runs around with a ds in her purse all day.
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