Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I know I'm probably the only person on the forum to have a US varrient Galaxy S4, but on the off chance that I am not alone, I thought I would share some exciting news. Dolphin Emulator is a cross platform (ARM and x86 - OS X, Windows, Debian) emulator for Gamecube and Wii games. The most recent development is Dolphin Mobile which is the official port to Android. The developer doing the work is known as Sonicadvance1. Unfortunately, per emulation requirements, the only devices that can run it properly are ones supporting Open GL ES 3.0. And to this date only one commercially available Android device does, the US varrient Galaxy S4. 0.9 is huge imo as it means we are very close to an official RC1. Most of the code has allready been written and the major hault in developemnt has been the incredibly buggy Qualcomm drivers found on the Snapdragon 600. Sonicadvance1 has been blasting Qualcomm with bug reports so hopefully they'll make new drivers in the next few months. Even if Samsung doesn't officially make an update and push it to the phones, I'm sure custom roms can be made to impliment the drivers.
Well thats about it. This was mostly an update for those who are interested in the developements of Wii and Gamcube games running on a phone
Well thats about it. This was mostly an update for those who are interested in the developements of Wii and Gamcube games running on a phone
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