Does The Wiki Need Fluffys Renders?

Yea the coin beside it really puts it in perspective. The people who think the design is ugly are probably imagining a huge laptop and not a sleek clamshell design.
Why not take a typical computer magazine such as PC Format or Custom PC, and sit the Pandora on top of it? No one can mistake the size of it then :)
WarmFluffyUK said:
I have another idea, Should I build a ruler and place that along side it?
But even then we have inches and centimeters :P
Unless you use one that has both

An AA battery is a nice idea too
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WarmFluffyUK said:
What we are really saying is I should build a whole desktop with all common items placed around the Pandora?
Don't forget the elephant. ;)

Just place a common item near the pandora alongside the coins. A pair of glasses would be good.
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Going with the coins isn't really all that good an idea, as people will get on here and want to see their country's coin there for size comparison (for example, how about an Australia $1 dollar coin for us Aussies?) and in the end you'll end up with a huge render with coins from every country in there.

Plus I just found the Canadian & US quarters I had lying around here and really, still can't tell the size all that well.

Your idea a few posts back is good:

WarmFluffyUK said:
I have another idea, Should I build a ruler and place that along side it?
I think that would be the best idea, get rid of the coins and place a ruler there. Inches or millimetres (or both) is fine.
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I second Series-8's suggestion... we're all familiar with the GP2X so it's the perfect thing with which to compare sizes. Of course the wiki will also be introducing Pandora to the unenlightened masses who have yet to see a GP2X so maybe the ruler isn't such a bad idea either.
pkostrze said:
we're all familiar with the GP2X so it's the perfect thing with which to compare sizes.
Actually we're not. I don't own a GP2x only a GP32 and the pics need to convey the size of the unit to anyone at all regardless of their background. Hence my idea of a pair of specs. Everyone know how big they are!
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I vote for a magazine. Doesn't even have to be PC Format. Would be funny if we made a fake magazine with a fake Pandora-centric cover and just use the standard magazine format on it.

Aaand maybe a ruler.
These renders would look really nice on the wiki, I think they are great, we really appreciate all the community involvement in this, it's fantastic.
craigix said:
These renders would look really nice on the wiki, I think they are great, we really appreciate all the community involvement in this, it's fantastic.
Of COURSE you do, we're savin' you time and money! ^_^
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craigix said:
These renders would look really nice on the wiki, I think they are great, we really appreciate all the community involvement in this, it's fantastic.
I'm glad you like em, when Ed has updated his renders with the latest changes, I will update my models too.

Magnulus said:
craigix said:
These renders would look really nice on the wiki, I think they are great, we really appreciate all the community involvement in this, it's fantastic.
Of COURSE you do, we're savin' you time and money! ^_^

That's not a very community like spirit :P. Craig has obviously invested a lot of his own time on the Pandora, and so what if he makes some money out of it. This is a very unique machine, and I for one will be happy if anyone's renders or artwork give it a little boost. To be honest, I actually enjoy 3D rendering, especially getting good results :), so if something I do contributes, I'm a happy bunny.
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WarmFluffyUK said:
That's not a very community like spirit :P. Craig has obviously invested a lot of his own time on the Pandora, and so what if he makes some money out of it. This is a very unique machine, and I for one will be happy if anyone's renders or artwork give it a little boost. To be honest, I actually enjoy 3D rendering, especially getting good results :), so if something I do contributes, I'm a happy bunny.
I know, and you'll notice I'm one of the regular contributors to these kinds of threads (and very very few of the "let's bicker about how awesome/ crap the Pandora is going to be!" threads) so I really agree with both you and Craig and pretty much all the people who've posted logo suggestions and you with the renders and everyone else who's been awesome enough to actually do something constructive while we wait for the Pandora.

I definitely believe in a community effort, and I definitely believe that Craig and Weston deserve what's coming to them in terms of profits. They're taking a chance very few others would, and I like supporting people who take chances, because I'm too much of a chicken shit to do it myself. ^_^

Also, in the long run, I want to develop for the Pandora (and its successors) so I'm interested in seeing it succeed.
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BaDToaD said:
pkostrze said:
we're all familiar with the GP2X so it's the perfect thing with which to compare sizes.
Actually we're not. I don't own a GP2x only a GP32 and the pics need to convey the size of the unit to anyone at all regardless of their background. Hence my idea of a pair of specs. Everyone know how big they are!

I realized that not everyone had a GP2X halfway through my post...

"I second Series-8's suggestion... we're all familiar with the GP2X so it's the perfect thing with which to compare sizes. Of course the wiki will also be introducing Pandora to the unenlightened masses who have yet to see a GP2X so maybe the ruler isn't such a bad idea either."

A ruler with inches and centimeters would be the most "universal" I guess. Of course a pair of specs would work too... just not Elton John specs.
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A ruler is the most univeral true but if it is included maybe it needs to be on the desktop with maybe specs and the coins. If the ruler is there on it's own it will look deliberate but if it is there with a couple of other things it will be a more subtle indicator of size.

Or Fluffy could just render the Pandora sitting on laptop LOL
Or a Nintendoh 'DS'...Or Sorrny PSP.

Still I'm gettin' an itchin' to just hold ones of these... really.