Does The Wiki Need Fluffys Renders?

Magnulus said:
BaDToaD said:

General opinion seems to be that Fluffy's renders are the mutts so lets get them added to the Wiki.

Only issue with that is that they don't reflect the most recent changes, like the SD slots being moved and any other changes they may have made...

True but the initial wow factor isn't there in the Wiki renders. They're functional but they don't grab your attention in the same way.

When I first saw the Wiki renders I was interested in the Pandora sure but when I saw Fluffys renders I was like "Wow that really looks nice"

Maybe the Fluffy renders can be added along side a note saying ports have moved etc.
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BaDToaD said:
When I first saw the Wiki renders I was interested in the Pandora sure but when I saw Fluffys renders I was like "Wow that really looks nice"
True enough...
Oh, by the way, you need to fix your link.
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Click on "Upload Image" at the bottom.

Edit the page, adding the image name (formatted like the others) in the Gallery section.


(I'd do it, but I'm a bit busy at the moment.)
I'll update the current renderings to the latest changes within the next few days.
Thanks Ed, and here's my latest render:

Oops I forgot about Wikipedia, the quarter has a 23.88 mm diameter and a 1.58 mm thickness :)