Does anyone else think the new 7up tastes like crap?

second exodous

Advanced Member
Sep 27, 2005
Utah, USA
Whenever I get sick I like to drink 7up, especially when I'm sick with lots of mucus as it breaks it up(sorry for the image). It goes back to when I was a kid, my Mom always thought that 7up was a cure all for stomach problems so for me when I get sick I crave the stuff. Well, I've been sick the last few days so I got some and first time it hit my tongue I thought it had gone bad. I was going to take it back(it was a 2 liter bottle) and then I noticed that it is a 'new fresh taste'. I HATE when people mess with stuff from my childhood. This is like Square replacing sprites(no pun intended) with crappy polygons with no mouths.

Anyway, anyone else try it? I know why they did it, no one drinks it anymore, but this new taste isn't going to help that. I guess I'm switching to sprite when I'm sick, screw Pepsi.
God I haven't had 7up in ages! Make 7up yours! I bet though that they changed it so they can use their new "healthier" sugar like they did with Pepsi and not tell anybody. Only Pepsi product I like nowadays is Mountain Dew.
Huh, it says on the label that it is still sweetened with high fructose corn syrup so no change there. It says the flavoring is 100% natural, but it is beyond me how the corn syrup can be considered natural, I guess it comes from this planet rather than somewhere else. When they genetically modify the corn and then mix it's starch with sulfuric acid to make it sweet I just can't consider it 'natural'.

I try to avoid all soda. When I gave it up 6 years ago I was loosing weight so fast I was sure I had a tape worm or something and I actually went to the doctor to find out. Nope, turns out that soda simply makes you fat, if you drink it regularly and are not fat you either work out a ton or have deficiencies somewhere else in your diet.
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Whenever I get sick, I drink Vernors. My mom said the same thing. I guess the ginger is supposed to help.

Also, 7-up is owned by Dr. Pepper, not Pepsi. Sierra Mist is Pepsi's clear lemon-lime soda.
Whenever I get sick, I drink Vernors. My mom said the same thing. I guess the ginger is supposed to help.

Also, 7-up is owned by Dr. Pepper, not Pepsi. Sierra Mist is Pepsi's clear lemon-lime soda.
Huh, you're right, I didn't think Dr. Pepper was it's own company, I didn't think it was big enough.

EDIT: Ah, I think maybe the last time I looked at a 7up label was outside the US. From wikipedia:

The rights to the brand are held by Dr Pepper Snapple Group in the United States, and PepsiCo(or its licensees) in the rest of the world
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Yeah, I came to the realization one day that all the funky soda lines were owned by Dr. Pepper. Does anyone remember "dnL"?

Edit: ok, I guess I didn't really look at the cans when I was in Canada. Plus, my cousins try to find stuff that can't normally be found in the US.
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Mr. Pibb FTW. Pibb xtra my ass. Name change as a result of late 90's EXTREME marketing. I blame you mountain dew.
Remember when Coke changed their formula? Almost destroyed the company and Pepsi claimed victory in the cola wars and gave all their employees the day off. If it's not broken don't fix it, why do these companies insist on screwing with a proven history? Oh well, guess they have to learn the hard way!
Remember when Coke changed their formula? Almost destroyed the company and Pepsi claimed victory in the cola wars and gave all their employees the day off. If it's not broken don't fix it, why do these companies insist on screwing with a proven history? Oh well, guess they have to learn the hard way!

I subscribe to the theory that it was all a publicity stunt - look at how their brand rebounded after they 'reintroduced' Coke Classic. :lol:
Pepsi claimed victory in the cola wars and gave all their employees the day off.
Sounds like a rumor.

I have a friend who's a Pepsi vending machine and he was definitely at work that day.
I'm thinking vending machines never get days off, they're machines and don't need to sleep, eat, go to the bathroom. . .

That is neat that you have inanimate objects as friends though. Do you rotate your coffee mugs so none of them feel bad?

I think it was a publicity stunt also, Coke was still number one at the time, when you're number one why would you change? I think Pepsi was catching up though, it was a smaller gap then, now it is like 2 Cokes sold for every Pepsi. I do hope that this is a publicity stunt also with 7up but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't, I don't see it very many places on tap and it isn't 'cool' anymore. They should bring back the 7up spot. And the Noid. The Noid was fun. Ohh, and 'wheres the beef?' lady.
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I don't have a best friend ATM just so no one feels "replaced" when I receive my Pandora.
I don't have a best friend ATM just so no one feels "replaced" when I receive my Pandora.

I had to read that twice, bold added to indicate initially parsed association. At first I thought that you dont have an ATM as a best friend (which - i think - is a good thing...).

@second.exodus Where (about) do you live? I have not noticed any change in what-is-sold-as-7up-in-finland. OTOH if it just happened, I may not have noticed yet - i dont drink 7up much nowadays so no comment on the new taste, but I do hate it when companies change things like this. Same name should equal same taste.

One another soda-related thing came into mind: <offtopic>


Pepsi X, this totally amazing Energy drink version of Pepsi was the greatest energy drink ever for me when it came here in finland propably in 2004. But the happiness came to an abrupt end when they stopped selling it at some point soon after. I still dont know why. I'm still very mad at Pepsi for this. Now I drink only cheapo market cola or coca-cola.... So if it is still sold somewhere in the world, I'd like to know where :P
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I live in the US and it is the only place I've noticed the changed flavor. I've only had it in Brazil in the last year or so. I only drink it when I'm sick and that isn't often so I'm not entirely sure if this is 'new' or the labels are just still around, sometimes those kind of things are on soda labels for a year or more.
I've always craved a good ginger ale when I'm sick, for the same reason that you gave in your first post, s.e. And I agree: why mess with a good thing? Make it 7-Up^2 or some other product. Just leave the originals alone!
7-up's by dr. pepper snapple group in us (by pepsi elsewhere)

try sierra mist. pepsi's, and has real sugar.

II too am sick right now so typing is an effort


but ginger ale is the best.reed's extra ginger brew. man.,
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Home brewed ginger beer is what I use to quench my uneasy stomach. I always keep a bottle of it in the fridge in case of emergency. It's cheap and really easy to make. Usually I use raw sugar, but I've been thinking my next batch will be made with honey, just for something a little different.
I just bottled my first homebrewed nut brown ale on Friday. Granted, regular beer isn't great when you're sick, but it's great pretty much all of the rest of the time.

I was going to look into making some ginger ale sometime as I've heard before that it's not hard to make.
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