Do you think GamePark is out? (Please read this.)


I am One with the DarkNss
Jun 11, 2003
I'm sorry to bring up a topic like this again, but I have really been trying to promote the GP32 as an alternative handheld console a lot. I was just thinking: is it really worth it? I know, you guys will say "Why, yes it is.", but what I'm wondering about is whether or not GamePark has shut themselves down for some reason? Or will they come back and manufacture more GP32s? I really want to promote this thing on TechTV, but should I really go through with this? I plan on trying to get the attention from them anyways, but I'm still torn as to whether or not it's truly worth the time and risk. I mean, a few weeks ago they only had about 800 left. That's 800 left, globally. What if all of sudden they get high demand and can't keep up with it? All of sudden their reputation really goes down the drain (I know, like they really have a reputation in the first place). Will they decide to regroup and try to meet the higher demands they may now have? Or will they just fold and say "we have no more, that's it'. I just would like some thoughts on this before I send my e-mail to the X Play show on TechTV.
Gamepark have major financial difficulties thats no secret, however the GP32 was never going to be a GBA killer on a mass scale... only to a select few. (about 25,000 or so ;)

But it certainly isn't dead, in fact i'd say the best is still to come... quite soon maybe.

craigix posted on Dec 4 2003 at 01:29 PM said:
But it certainly isn't dead, in fact i'd say the best is still to come... quite soon maybe.
Back that up with some fact please, everybody says the best is yet to come but nothing comes, Gamepark as a company isn't releasing anything new and I don't even know what is keeping them afloat. I think this system, OTHER THAN HOMEBREWN, is dead, probably nothing more commericially will come out, especially from third party developers if they see that GamePark isn't even willing to produce the sytem or even willing to promote their system.
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The 800 number is a joke, don't bother with that. Game Park has much more GP32's left in stock.

About Game Park future : hard times and financial problems... There is still a little chance for the console, but it will be the last. If Game Park looses this opportunity in the same way they did with Mitsui and a couple of others big names, they will probably close their doors.
pocket -- you've got some info?

ie: (Where did this 800 number come from?) But doe snayone know how many GP32's *are* in satock? How many they sell per month? Any plans for the future? Any new titles?

ie: It would seem GP hasn't gone anywhere in the last year or two, thoguh a few titles did come out last year.

I've stopped personally pushing GP32 to people I know, just because I'm worried they'll tank.. ie: It woudl be bad for me to push it on someone, and then GP goes under the platform dies.. I'd feel terrible fgor someoen who just laid out a few hundred hard won buckeroos :)

If theres some positive sign, maybe we can keep fighting the good fight..

I understand how you feel, I have written many articles in french press about GP32 and now I feel sorry for those who bought the console and trusted GP's promises.

Sorry, I'm not allowed to give the true numbers today. I hope an announcment will be done soon about GP32's future... It could clarify many things.

About the numbers, just think about one thing : do you really think GP had only something like 2000 consoles in stock a few weeks before Mitsui release ? That 1200 consoles (2000-1200=800) sold in a few days, whereas 15.000 consoles only sold the first year ?
(more than the first year in fact)
The commercial side to GamePark is dead. I doubt anything new will be released, but the Homebrewn scene is still alive and probably will be for years to come. Some really great games came out were homebrewn.
It is less than 800 now, I'll be sure to report when its none.

I'd expect it to be none left at GP around xmas, i've been stockpiling them since november and i know i'm not the only one.

Also expect some interesting homebrew presents around xmas too ;)

extremegamer posted on Dec 4 2003 at 02:43 PM said:
The commercial side to GamePark is dead. I doubt anything new will be released, but the Homebrewn scene is still alive and probably will be for years to come. Some really great games came out were homebrewn.

Thats something important to remember; I'm forever telling people that even when new technology comes out, it rarely means older technology is any less vlauable.. its just less fucntional than the new stuff. But good for when you bought it is still that same goodness later, usually.

ie: Theres still a C64, Amiga and Atari ST homebrew community aaround some 15+ years later. The Apple Newton limps by....

The whole retro movement..


craigx: You going to start selling Zodiacs soon? :)
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Totaly off topic but since craig x is replying to this subject i thought id ask have you got any pc link cables available for sale only mine seems to have dissapeered and with out one im fujucted :o
Craig, your numbers are false, since Game Park has much more GP32's left in stock.
extremegamer posted on Dec 4 2003 at 06:43 PM said:
The commercial side to GamePark is dead. I doubt anything new will be released, but the Homebrewn scene is still alive and probably will be for years to come. Some really great games came out were homebrewn.
You're a bit wrong here, even if Game Park close it's doors, there is a new editor :

More than 3 games on their way ! :)
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QUOTE FROM DEEPTHOUGHT: Do you never read extremegamer? There are several commercial titles in the works.

Yes, and none of those games will come to light. It still has Capcom games in the list and Capcom abandoned GP a long time ago. The list is not updated, many of those were abandoned a long time ago. Notice how there are ? in every release date, they are not going to be released. And they need to take down the page because it brings false hope.

And why would any third party developer want to develope games for a company that is basically giving up on its system this late in the systems life. No more production, absolutely nothing for advertising, unless they have a big korean advertising market. Any commercial game developed now is sure to lose money.
Capcom NEVER abandoned the GP32, since they never intended to develop for it ;)

Game Park bought several licences from them, that's all.
pocket where are u getting all of these statements u are making from. 1200gps may not have sold to the general public but im sure suppliers like craig have been buying what they can ever since it was announced that there where only 2000gps left in stock. I think craig would be the person who kows when it comes to how many gps are left, since he is one of the few people here who regularly keeps in touch with gamepark

EDIT:damn u beat me

EDIT AGAIN: Craig u hinting at a release of ur herectic port. I hope so, loved ur doom port.
"how many are left, the questionable future of Gamepark.." Bah.. they've been sketchy since day one, what has changed? (still waiting for your FLU mod kit anybody?)

this s how it is, they are a little no-name company that we took a chance on (and many are really happy with the result) - no one will ever know what's up with the Gamepark company and exactly how/why they do what they do.. but it seems to make sense that as long as there's demand for something, it will still be present. and it looks like there's still plenty of development going on, in some form or other, and will be for awhile yet.. no sweat.

if they stop selling them tomorrow, at least I've got mine already...
I'm not talking about that list, I'm talking about news. Shibuya is publishing a few games for the GP32 now, Goddess Saga seems to be on track, and Gamepark does still have those licenses. Even if they never use them.