Distributed emulating


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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Could there be an emulator that uses the power of 2 (or more) GP32's to emulate, if it was possible, SNES would be WAY fast w/ 2 GP32's, but I heard that the RF link isn't that fast, so could something be done like:

GP #1 renders bottom half of screen, shows it, compresses it and sends over
GP #2 renders top half of screen, shows it and sends it over

But of course it wouls also have to be mutiplayer capable or either GP #1's owner or GP #2's owner would be mad at the other for taking his GP32 power :lol:
The speed needed for this could never be achieved with the RF link.

Apart from that I don´t think much coders would invest time in this because even if you can pull it off it requires a tremendous amount of work and for who? I don´t think there are many people who have access to two GP32 and two RF unit´s just to play SNES emulation
I could not see this being pulled off. :blink:
For one thing, From what i can see the GP32 at the receiving end of the RF link would have to process the data on it`s self and well as the data being transmitted from the other unit, Kind of defeats the object <_< wouldn`t you say.
Also, As people have said, The RF link would probably not be upto it.

Just my 2p

But the thhing someone suggested of using the USB cable for internet multiplayer...

That might be. Not as convenient, but longer range, and with broadband connections, it WOULD be fast enough, methinks.

That said, I doubt anyone'll bother coz it'd be too damn hard to synch everything right...
Ohhhhhh, I know!! Use the computer's power to emulate something on the GP32!! What is the point?? The GP32 controller is more confortable than a keyboard for most things, and you could use the comp's screen :) And on things like Atari ST you could use the comp's mouse and keyboard. But of course we would all get mad if the emu autors didn't also make a slower GP32 only version, too :P