GP32 Gp32 .gam Interperetor


NazcaBeer Spokesman
Feb 9, 2004
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I think someone should make a .gam interperetor for the GP32.
.gam is a file made using Clickteam's The games factory. It's a simple
engine that can be used to create a hell of a lot of different games. I bought
it for $30 but there is also a free 30 day trial version you can download. The best part
is that for all you wannabe programers without the time to code THERE IS NO
ACTUAL PROGRAMMING AT ALL. IT's all point and click. Amazingly some very
professional looking games can be made if you spend some time with it.
DOwnload the trial and play some of the example games, mainly Zeb and Lobotomy.
Zeb is an action/platform/shooter game, Very professional looking and would be
awsome to see running on the GP32 (it already has the correct resolution as the GP
320*240) so you wouldn't have to worry about that part. Lobotomy is also a great
game created with it. It's kind of like donkey kong, get to the top while avoiding
barrels and other obsticles. I've made a couple games with it but havn't had the time
to make a very professional one. Check the link in my sig for my games. Air Hockey
only took me about hour to make. Shy Guy's Adventure though took about a week. I
set-up the physics and gameplay stuff(get 10 coins avoid bad-guys) in 1 day and then
made each of the levels throughout the week. Any way the controls could also be set
up fine for the GP. Player 1's directions could be set to the D-Pad, and his 2 buttons
set to a+b, Player 2's button's would be L&R and player 3's would be select&start. For
those of You who havn't used this software or don't understand what I just said.. I
don't mean for multiplayer, The Player would just use these controls to optimise all
of the GP32's buttons. Also the resolution of the games are all customisable so they
could easily be made for the GP32.

Anyway, the reason I'm posting this is because there aren't any programs like this for
the GP32 yet and this one would suit it perfectly. I also just wanted to see how much
interest there was for something like this in the community and if anyone other than
me has heard of or used this program.
I'd rather have one for Game Maker. It's comepletly free and theres more stuff
made for it already. And its updated all the time. It's up to version 6. is where you get it.

But there is a problem with both of them, THERE IS NO SOURCE CODE.

So you have to find a good one that has source code and supports 320x240
rez. So far the only one I've seen is Fenix, but thats already been done.
If you have the source of the original Clickteam interpreter, then we can talk.

Chances are you don't, and therefore someone would be spending months trying to reverse-engineer the interpreter, get a cease-and-desist from Clickteam, and have nothing to show for it.
yup I figured that. That's why it's under the wishes section...

ooo maybe a magical genie could do it for me :D

Someone could try contacting Clickteam about it but they probably wouldn't
bother unless

a) they could program stuff
B) they really love the games factory

I'm learning C++ in school now.. so maybe, just maybe I could learn to code for the GP32 and eventually *attempt* this.. probably not ganna happen though
Yeah, i thought of this, but there are so many problems, it's insane.

1) Clickteam would NEVER release their source.
2) TGF games are of varying resolution, and not always in aspect ratio
3) TGF games are quite memory consuming; they seldom run at full speed on PC!
etc, etc, etc
Well, Clickteam are actually typically extremely responsive with regards to doing their own versions of software. Shortly after the first MMF came out, I was having serious crashing issues with it (no idea why), and not only did they respond *fast*, they also coded a patch specifically designed to fix MMF on my computer (it was called MMFpatchtoby.exe, and to my knowledge wasn't released other than in response to my email). So whilst there's no way they'd release the source, there is, I suspect, a possibility of our being able to convince them to port an interpreter, much like the vitalize plugin. They aren't so large a company that the pleas would fall on L1 tech support people and get intantly binned as being impractical; or at least, so far as I know they aren't; with a bit of luck the emails would actually reach a programmer sooner or later :).

Whilst I suspect a GP32 specific version is out (though asking would not be a bad idea), a Java-based .gam interpretter would be an excellent idea - then they'd work on mobiles, and potentially, if anyone can be bothered to finish that J2ME port to GP32, our own beloved console. GP32 specific wouldn't give them enough benefit, really, whilst a Java interpretter would more likely be so - especially considering that the ammount of work involved in making a port to anything that was not reliant on x86 and Windows archetecture would involve a LOT of re-writing so as to avoid using DLLs which are, of course, Windows specific.
I don't see why they wouldn't release the source, Game Factory allowed Retro Gamer tm to have the game maker on the gover disc for free.
No harm in asking, maybe I'll do it.