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[...] Bezüglich der Boards austauschen:
Ein Hardwarefehler muss nicht immer einen Austausch zur Folge haben. Der Freerunner konnte auch modifiziert werden.
Das ist dann kein Problem.
Regarding replacement of the boards:
A fault in the hardware doesn't necessarily require a board replacement. The Freerunner could be modified, for example.

Kommt es zu einem Austausch, ist das für uns natürlich erstmal kostspielig. Ich will in jedem Fall jedem das Board austauschen, wenn ich mir das leisten kann.
So wie ich das sehe, wird die Pandora-Nachfrage noch steigen, wenn sie erstmal draussen ist, und wir werden anfangs kaum nachkommen - es könnte also gut sein, dass man die Pandora ohne Stick teurer verkaufen kann, als man für eine neue mit Wartezeit zahlt.
If it requires a board replacement, it will be expensive for us. I definitely want to replace the board as soon as I can afford it. I think the demand of Pandoras will increase further when it's finally out and it won't be easy to meet the demand - so it might be that you can sell a Pandora without Wifi for more than a new one costs, because of the waiting time.

Oder wir verkaufen sie ohne WiFi als günstigeres Modell, dann hätten wir auch da nur geringe Kosten.
Or w-e s-e-l-l(spamword, remove '-') them without Wifi for less, thus we have a low loss.

Machen wollen wir das aber auf jeden Fall, sobald wir uns das leisten können!
Anyway, we'll replace the board if necessary, as soon as we can afford it.

Zudem werden wir wohl als kleinen Bonus die ersten Pandoras, bei denen wir noch nicht wissen, ob WiFi geht, alle im Batteriefach signieren. Aber NUR die. Und keine anderen.
Könnte zum Sammlerstück mutieren.
On top of that, we will autograph said Pandoras without working Wifi in the battery compartment. We will _only_ sign these Pandoras and no others.
It could become a collector's item.
^ Actually, I meant that it should be included in your previous post in the quotes thread and not in a new one. We should try to keep the chronological order and start as few new posts as possible, to keep the thread density as high as possible.
@Mithrildor: Not so weird. It is just comparison. If I get into such situation I will be curious about this too :-)

But it leads me to thought, that instead of internal wifi would be better put 3rd SDIO slot somewhere into rear of Pandora. But after fight is everybody general.
Awakening said:
Somehow I imagined you being younger :)
Heh. Mid-20s, here, just to clarify. :P

I don't like having to imagine that something is something that it looks nothing like.
Maybe you've been playing the wrong 2600 titles? ;)

I also think that the visuals (as well as sound and music) are part of the complete experience of playing a game. The Atari 2600 is limited by more then just graphics however.
I quite agree, but I find what programmers got out of the 2600 to be pretty impressive. I love Pitfall! 2 and its music, for example - it was one of the first instances of having extra on-cartridge hardware to get more from a machine.

That article isn't exactly supporting your cause :) Not a very good article anyway. First thing that catches me is the creation date, this debate is age old.
Sorry, I don't know what you mean. The article is primarily about how the experience of a game is "the theatre of the mind" - i.e., in the player's head more than on-screen or such. :P

I recall a time when the CD was new and companies started making "interactive movies".
It's still going on - only now they're using bigger discs, and making badly-written, badly-acted CGI movies where you move your thumbs a bit sometimes. :P

Whoever wrote that article clearly missed that era. The assumption of The Matrix is a load of crap, a classic case of someone not doing any research. For example I have just seen two anime series (by the same creators) that doesn't have a lead character to follow and they are both great. Baccano! and Durarara! for those who are interested.
I'm pretty sure he didn't miss that era. :P I'm afraid I don't get what you mean about The Matrix - I found those movies uninteresting, and I just can't relate to anything anyone says about them. Anyway, he's not saying that something must have a lead character - he's emphasising the fact that the customer's experience is more important than self-proclaimed geniuses telling the customer that they must-must-must see a work in a very particular, rigid way. :P

I found your blog BTW, looks interesting but I don't have the time. Got friends coming over to play board games soon. The ones I love have nothing but a back story at best but it's all about the mechanics and the interaction between the players.
Good stuff, good stuff. Have fun. :D

I'd better stop dragging this off-topic, now! :lol:
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Prometheus said:
I'd better stop dragging this off-topic, now! :lol:
Yeah, let's not clog up this thread any more :)

I'll reply to you over PM tomorrow, this got interesting. It's almost 1 AM here now and I need to get up kind of early.
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Actually, anything that's covered in the quotes thread is on topic, so basically everything is on topic ;)
Bumping for this new entry in the quotes thread. It appears the ton of stuff from Texas has arrived. :)

KodeIn posted on 23 April 2010 - 03:50 PM said:
I'm in a state of absolute rage. UPS left all the Pandora boards outside at a neighboring business - anyone could have walked off with them.

I probably shouldn't be amused. I guess UPS are delivering like madmen right now.
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Surely someone needed to sign for the shipment? I mean you can't just dump a ton of stuff and leave it, surely? Why didn't Craig's neighbour state that he worked/lived next door? Did they try Craig's and no-one was in so asked the neighbour?

This is pretty odd, but at least something's actually arrived :)
Whoops, look like the time of the quote is totally wrong :P
Sorry about that, I'll be more careful next time.

I'm glad that we finally have the boards, one more step toward the completion of the first 1000!
I said in the "Daily Updates" thread, but I'll repeat here where conversation should take place:

I read it as "UPS needed storage space, so they put the pallets in the parking lot of the business beside the UPS station in whatever city the pallets currently are" and "anyone could have walked into this totally unsecured parking lot, tore open a pallet, and made off with (at least) a couple of boxes".
WizardStan: I too, but I get it at last :-)

BTW: One guy on Czech emulator's forum: "They are insured for sure. And MWeston might not repair them at least. :-)" // OK, it was coarse bubble, I'm really glad that boards finally arrived.
EvilDragon translated said:
Fusion_Power said:
Is MWeston waiting with his flight until the cases have arrived in England, or is he clever and already flies as soon as the confirmation comes that everything is on its way to England. That way you could save time and start resoldering the boards while the cases are still underway. ;-)
He told me that all the boards will have been resoldered by the 7th of May and then assembly will start in earnest.
Looks like he picked his flight already.
Damn! It'll *just* miss my holiday! :lol: (I'm reminded of when I imported my Nintendo DS via Craig's shop way way back, now - exactly the same thing happened. :lol: )
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