And, of course: As long as Devuan survives past the forkers general anger and stabilizes into a viable alternative, it will of course be extremely easy to just swap out the relevant parts of standard Debian for the respective Devuan packages, or make a Devuan install with the added special Pyra thingies. It would surprise me very much if it took more than a few months from Pyra launch until someone publishes the necessary apt-script changes to do this (given that Devuan actually becomes a thing that works). Anyone who has deep feelings regarding their init system will be able to change it.
So, in reality, it is no problem. If you want to have Devuan on you Pyra, you can put it there. This thread start doesn't in any way acknowledge that (even though that anyone who actually understands the differences between systemd and sysVinit will realize this). Instead, it calls for a complete change of the installed OS on all Pyras, not bothering about all the discussion upon which the decision to run on an as vanilla as possible Debian distro is made, and starts insulting people who does not agree. That is not a constructive approach.
I'm quite certain that if tkm625 actually wants to be helpful, instead of instigating flames, s/he is fully capable of actually collecting the necessary script changes from Debian to Devuan and publish them here in time for the actual Pyra launch. That is the course I'd recommend, being one of those bold green writers.